July 18, 2021
Bass – Eric Ross
Guitar –Sue Doing
Drums – Henry Ptacek
Violin – Jenna O’Connor Ross
Piano/Keys/Vocal – Audrey Manning
Vocals – Wendy Jones Hill, Cherith Brown, Jim Doing
Musical Director/Piano/Vocals – Nancy Groeneveld
Audio Engineer – Bram Groeneveld
Video Producer – Joseph Berggren,
Additional Video Footage –
Matthew Bauer-Yuen, John Blandino
Audio/Video Assistant – Eric Ross
On-Site Producer – Nancy Groeneveld
Congratulations to Katie and Mehran Mohammadian and big sister Emilia on the birth of Milo Kasper Mohammadian. Milo was born on June 23, 2021. Grandparents are church members Cheryl and Larry Olsen.
Our deepest sympathies to the family of Lillian Bakke who passed away at the age of 99 on July 13 at Waunakee Manor. Prayers for comfort and assurance for Lil’s family.
Service Opportunities at FPC
Communications Volunteer: Are you tech savvy and interested in learning aspects of updating the FPC website and other entry-level tasks of communications at FPC? We are looking for someone high-school age or older for this internship-like position.
Camera Operator: Our online service video team is looking to add a camera operator to our Wednesday morning recording sessions. This volunteer position requires experience with different camera settings and lighting situations, and some production experience would be helpful.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, send an email to communications@myfpc.org to learn more.