Celebrating the dedication of Baby Eden!
Last Sunday at the second service, FPC hosted a celebration commemorating the dedication of Funmi and Karosi Abraham’s son, Eden. The dedication began with the joyful entry of family and friends in a Nigerian-style worship with singing and dancing. After the service, everyone was invited to a Nigerian feast. It was a joyful time for our church family.
Check this weekend’s online service for a recap video of this special event!
Shepherding the Flock
September Session Meeting Summary
Submitted by Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
Events and activities are starting up again at FPC. We are back to two services in the sanctuary: 8:45 Traditional and 10:45 Contemporary, plus providing a full online service that we tape and produce on Wednesdays. Sunday School, Youth Group, and Adult Nurture groups are all beginning to meet. Check the Connector for details.
Weekly Sunday Fellowship time will resume between services this week. While the weather is nice, it will be held outside under the front covered area.
Stewardship Elder Brett Cable reminded the Elders that this year’s Stewardship theme is “Together Called.” The first stewardship Sunday will be October 3 with pledge Sunday, October 17.
Session is reviewing a part of FPC’s Long Range Plan at each meeting currently. The Session appointed a subgroup of Elders to consider an optimal number of pastors for FPC.
The Mission Team is working with an organization called Team Rubicon to provide desperately-needed items for Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy. Church members may bring donated items to the Fellowship Hall downstairs at FPC.
Session is beginning to work on the budget for 2022. The Elders are thankful for the continued faithful giving of our church members and friends!
The Nominating Committee is working on choosing new Elders and Deacons for the coming election on the 4th Sunday in October. Session gave its permission for the nominee for Mission Elder to begin July 1 instead of January 1. The annual fall congregational meeting will be Sunday, October 31 after the first service. This will be the last annual fall meeting as we transition to an annual spring meeting with Elder and Deacon positions beginning in July of each church year instead of January.
Video Devotional: Finding Comfort, Strength, and Direction
Reverend Jeff Quinto, Director of The Bethel Series and FPC member, shares that there is one place to find comfort, strength, and direction. He tells the story of Lisa and Todd Beamer and how their story is a story of reliance on the promises of Scripture as shown in Deuteronomy 31:6.
In conjunction with Team Rubicon, FPC is participating in a September donation drive to benefit Afghan refugees. Nearly all Afghan families are arriving with only the clothes on their backs, so needs are immense. Donations of clothing (including undergarments) for adults and children, hygiene items as well as baby care items are requested. Drop off your new or gently used donations in Fellowship Hall during church office hours: Monday through Thursday, 10 am-4 pm
Food for Kids is back this year and FPC is looking for volunteers to fill 2 tables. We’re looking for adults and students to help put together meals that will be shipped to Haiti and food pantries around Dane county. If you’re interested in volunteering on October 10 send an email to Glenn Myers, Mission Elder.
Return to Indoor Worship
Did you read Pastor Kirk’s note to the congregation about returning to the sanctuary in previous Connectors? Here’s a link to Kirk’s insight into the post-covid world and church worship.
Nursery Coordinator and Assistant Needed
First Presbyterian Church of Waunakee is seeking a part-time (12-20 hours/month) Nursery Coordinator to provide quality childcare for the children of the congregation during authorized church services and functions. Pay rate of $15/hour.
We are also seeking a part-time (10-20 hours/month) Nursery Assistant to work with the Nursery Coordinator in providing quality childcare for the children of the congregation during authorized church services and functions. Pay rate of $10-$12/hour, based on experience.
Please submit an application (or resume) to Patricia Coley, Director of Children’s Ministry, at pcoley@myfpc.org, as soon as possible for best consideration.
Student Ministry Newsletter
Join us in the youth room on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for connection with others, watching funny videos, and having meaningful discussions about the relevance of God in our lives. Plus, you can also meet up with us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.
Read this weeks’ newsletter for music, laughs, and upcoming Graceland events.
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS | September 26, 2021
Join us for a fall colors hike at the Gibraltar Rock trailhead (outside of Lodi) on October 9th at 2pm. Contact Ezrah Schmeelk with questions! eschmeelk@myfpc.org
Virtual Church Coffee Time
Sunday October 3 | 12:00-12:15 pm
Zoom Meeting
Bring a snack with your latte or other delicious beverage to connect with your Church Family in our “Virtual Lobby” from 12:00-12:15 pm on Sunday, October 3. We would love to see the faces of our virtual service attendees. Kids are welcome too!
Zoom meeting ID: 872 4678 5878
Password: FPC
Continue praying for church members, Marie Sweno and Helen McVicar as they deal with ongoing health concerns.
Online Bible Study Offering
Zoom Bible Study is offered every other Thursday: Oct 7, 21, Nov 4, 18 at 7 pm. This study is open to anyone and has no homework! We’ll be reviewing Kim Cash Tate’s “How I study the Bible: 10 essentials. Contact Christa Schmeelk with any questions: cschmeelk@myfpc.org
Link to Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 0952 7578
Passcode: fpc
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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