Singing the Faith

On the topic of singing in worship, this is the first time in my career that I have picked hymns for the worship service. I am enjoying it, but it has also been a learning curve. So, I am reaching out to you for help. First, please send me your favorite hymn, and I’ll do my best to work it into a service. Second, please share any feedback you may have about my choices, whether a hymn is well-known and appreciated or not!
Grace and Peace,

We exist as a congregation to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known:
- To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ so all may come to know and love Him;
- To nurture His people in joyful faith, fellowship, and commitment; and
- To demonstrate His way of love in service to the world.
We use the Connector to share news of the coming week and beyond, the activities that involve a wide range of ages and interests at FPC.
Coming Events | September 22 – October 12, 2024
Sunday, September 22, during service – 5th/6th grade Bible Presentation

Get ready for a special moment during our Sunday, September 22, worship service! Network 56 will proudly present our 5th and 6th grade Sunday School kids with their very own Bibles. This milestone marks an important step in their faith journey, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with the entire congregation. Join us as we witness these young hearts receiving the Word of God, a moment they’ll cherish for years to come!
Mondays, from 1-2:30PM – Light Team

Light team is a small women’s group that emphasizes fellowship with a Bible study. Meetings take place Monday afternoons in the Gathering Place from 1-2:30.
No homework is required and our meetings are open to all. Our time together is enhanced with coffee, tea, and delicious snacks.
The Bible lesson this fall will be a video from Laura Story, “So Long, Normal.” Nothing about life with God is normal. Can we live an abundant, adventurous life in Christ? Who knows? God may have a new adventure for us! Do we need to let go and trust Him?
If you are interested in joining, or would like more information, please email Lynda Bennin.
Wednesdays, from 7-8:15PM – Youth Group

All students in 7-12 grade are invited to participate in Youth Group on Wednesdays from 7-8:15PM
Email Ezrah at
Wednesdays, from 7-8:30PM – Men’s Ministry Meeting

Men’s Ministry is a multi-generational group of men committed to exploring matters of Faith, Purpose and Connection. The group meets on Wednesdays from 7PM to approximately 8:30PM at the church and also plans off-site opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and community service. All men are welcome.
Join the group in the Gathering Space by the fireplace. At our first meeting of the fall, we will be wrapping up the DVD Video series “Love Does” by Bob Goff, which we started in late spring.
If you would like to hear more about our group please stop by and see us. Otherwise please contact Jim Fitzgerald at or David Sliwicki at for carpooling information and to find out more about FPC’s Men’s Group. All men are welcome to join us!
Thursday, September 26 at 5:30PM – Dining Divas

FPC women are all invited to eat together as Dining Divas. Next dinner will be at 5:30 at Biaggi’s at Greenway Station on Thursday, September 26.
Please RSVP to Alka by September 23
Friday, September 27, from 12:30PM-5:30PM – Red Cross Blood Drive

Help save lives! The blood drive will be held in Fellowship Hall on Friday, September 27 from 12:30PM-5:30PM.
Sunday, October 6, following worship – All About FPC New Member Class
All About FPC – Have you ever wanted to know more about FPC? Are you interested in exploring membership here at FPC? If your answer is yes, then please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 6. We will meet right after church. Lunch is provided. If you need childcare, let us know in advance. We will meet in the Chapel. For more information or to rsvp, talk to Elder Wes Ray or email Christa:
Monday, October 7, at 6:30PM – Centering Prayer
The Centering Prayer group usually meets in the Chapel on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM for two 20 minute “sits.” For those who want to “learn by doing,” please come at 6 PM to get oriented. For questions, please contact Judy Fitzgerald.
Wednesday, October 9, from 11:30AM-1PM – New Horizons Potluck
New Horizons is a gathering of First Presbyterian Church members and friends over 55 (guests of any age are always welcome). For questions or for a ride, please call Anne & Chuck Frihart: 608-512-3620 or Vicki & Steve Doty: 608-849-4058.
Saturday, Oct. 12, at 10AM and Monday, Oct. 14, at 6:30PM–
FPC Care for the Caregivers Support Group
Sometimes we need someone to walk with us, someone who is experiencing the same path of caregiving. Someone to share ups and downs with, and possibly offer advice.
Are you or were you a caregiver? Let’s lean on each other and learn from each other as a group of Christians. Our FPC group is small but mighty, always welcoming any newcomers. The group is offered once a month. Stop in when you can, you choose to share or listen, it’s up to you. We meet in the Chapel, once on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm, and once on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am. The discussions held in the meetings are confidential, people can speak freely.
Attendee Lori Phelps has said, “This is my therapy and is so helpful for my mental health as I care for my parents! I walk away with a clearer mind and fresh ideas (an indoor garden kit for my dad! I didn’t know these existed! And a binder for my mom titled, When I start feeling bored, I can…). I’m so grateful for Marcia creating and conducting this group! She is a great listener, and she cares. She’s been through the same experiences so we can talk, laugh, or cry through the ups and downs. I feel like this group is so beneficial but seems to be the best kept secret. We should spread the word for others to benefit too!”
Caregivers (current or previous) – join us any month you can! If you have questions, or if these dates and times won’t work for you, please contact Marcia Chase, or call 849-5683 and leave a message during work hours.
Save the Date | More Info to come
Sunday, October 13, at 2PM – Pastor Will’s Installation Service

Sunday, October 13 – Pres House Dinner

On Sunday, October 13, FPC’s Student Ministry will be serving dinner at Pres House, a college ministry on the UW-Madison campus. This is an excellent chance for students to serve hungry college students, worship with them, and have a glimpse into campus ministry.
This opportunity is open to all 7-12 grade students. For those interested in joining us please email Ezrah Schmeelk! Or sign up by clicking the button below.
Thursday, October 17, at 1PM – Quilters Meeting

Interested in Quilting?
Join us for our meetings in the Gathering Place of FPC Waunakee! Meetings consist of a good deal of socialization, quilt “Show & Tell,” and discussion of any quilting problems/questions that might come up. The group also has one or two “Sewing Days” events each year and works on Prayer Quilts for the FPC Deacon’s Prayer Shawl & Quilt Ministry.
For more details email Anne Frihart at
Friday, October 18, from Noon-5:30PM – Red Cross Blood Drive

Help save lives! The blood drive will be held down in Fellowship Hall on Friday, October 18 from 12PM-5:30PM.
Sunday, October 20, from 2:30-4:30PM – Food for Kidz

Food for Kidz will be hosted at a new location this year!
Thank you to Dane Manufacturing for hosting us.
Food for Kidz – October 20
Dane Manufacturing
500 S. Division Street, Waunakee
FPC of Waunakee has 5 tables reserved with 10 people per table for this event from 2:30PM-4:30PM.
Email Allie Devine with any questions
Sunday, October 27, during service – Costume Day at Church!

Superheros, Skeletons, and Bears, Oh My!
Sunday, October 27, is Costume Day for our spooktacular Sunday School kids and teachers! No need to be scared if a vampire sits next to you in service. (If a Devil sits next to you, you might want to worry!) Cookie Monster will be bringing cookies!
Opportunities to Serve
Join the FPC Choir!

Have a heart for singing? Not sure, but willing to give it a try? Looking for some musical fellowship? The FPC Choir will be kicking off the fall semester on September 4th and would love to have you join us! We sing two Sundays a month and rehearse most Wednesdays and are flexible if you can’t sing every time. We combine a spirit of gladness with a heart of worship. Anyone interested in learning more can reach out to Jamison Wendlandt ( and he would be more than happy to connect!
Guaranteed to Make You Feel Younger… Volunteer with Children!

We currently need more warm and friendly (and silly) individuals to round out our gold medal Sunday School teaching teams. No experience necessary! Guidance, teacher manuals and materials provided. Sunday School is from 9am-9:50am. Youth volunteers are also encouraged to assist. Help on occasion or on a rotating schedule-you choose. Please consider this important calling by reaching out to our Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Lori Phelps at The rewards and smiles are plentiful!
We’re Hiring: Nursery Coordinator
FPC of Waunakee has a part-time position available Sunday mornings 9:30am-11:30am (job sharing considered). Main responsibilities include love and care for our littlest ones, absolute compliance with safety policies and cleanliness, and supervision of Nursery assistants. Additional fun may include Bible stories, activities, music, and crafts. With assistant, oversee 2-10 children ranging from ages newborn-2 years. Pay is competitive, and you can bring your own children or grandchildren with you to play on Sunday mornings! Christian faith, self- motivation, love of children, and warm teaching spirit essential!
Apply soon by emailing resume and cover letter to or to request an application.
Hammers with Halos

Want to help others with minor household repairs, maintenance or yard work? Contact the church office or any of the Deacons. Your name will be added to a call list and you may be contacted to see if you can help when a request is received.
Sunday Worship House Manager

FPC of Waunakee is seeking dedicated volunteers to fulfill the role of “House Manager” during our Sunday services. This position involves ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our congregation by monitoring our facilities and surroundings. Volunteers will be attentive and proactive, keeping an eye out for any potential concerns that may arise. We value a calm and composed demeanor, as well as strong communication and observational skills. If you are passionate about contributing to a secure and peaceful worship experience, please consider joining our House Manager team.
Sound Desk Assistant Needed

We invite you to join our dynamic worship team as a Sound Desk Assistant! Play a crucial role in enhancing our Sunday worship services by ensuring a seamless audio/visual experience for the congregation both in-person and at home. Take turns with fellow volunteers and enjoy a unique opportunity to be part of our vibrant worship atmosphere! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Christa Schmeelk at
Agrace Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to assist customers and operate the cash register at the Doc Rock Café located inside the Agrace Madison campus or make companionship visits to local Agrace hospice patients in patients’ homes, nursing homes or assisted living centers.
Schedules are flexible, and free training is provided. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Agrace at (608) 327-7163 or visit to apply online.
Help Needed! The Waunakee Food Pantry is looking for volunteers the last Wednesday of each month

Did you know that the food pantry serves ~200 families each month? Our church has a long history of supporting the Waunakee food pantry. Our FPC church has been given the last Wednesday of every month from 4-6 pm to distribute food. This is a great way to connect with fellow members and serve the community. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form on the FPC website, or talk with Sheryll Gehrmann for more details.
Unable to volunteer? Here’s the list of items most needed this month:
- Canned Beef Stew
- Instant White Rice
- Sloppy Joe Sauce
- Instant AuGratin Potatoes
- Canned fruit (pears, peaches, mandarin oranges)
- Ketchup and Mustard
- Bar soap
- Knorr Pasta & Rice Sides
The pantry is always looking for paper grocery bags as well. Items can be placed in the shopping cart at the entrance by the Education wing.
News and Announcements
Land Sale Update
The sale of land continues to be worked on behind the scenes. Don Tierney did accept our counter offer of covering all of FPC’s closing costs. Tierney’s attorney and engineering firm have been in regular contact with us at FPC as they work to update plat layout, permits and paperwork to submit to Village and Joint Planning for approval. The official survey was completed and some earthwork may be starting soon. The deal is not final until all approvals and permits have been given. The most recent activity was a submission to annex the property to The Village of Waunakee, from the Town of Westport.
This Week’s Birthdays: September 22 – 28

This Week’s Anniversaries: September 22 – 28

FPC Nursery for Ages 2 and under

Nursery Age 3 and Under – Room 200
The Nursery is available on Sundays from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, is staffed by church volunteers who love children and want to share God’s love with them.

Music in Worship
September 22 – FPC Choir & Ying Wang, pianist
September 29 – Ying Wang, pianist
October 6 – FPC Choir & Ying Wang, pianist

Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.

Tryg Knutson

Jill Umlauf
Want to receive an email notification when the weekly Connector is updated? Sign up here!
Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to
The Connector is available in print at the Connection Corner in the Lobby for those who would like a printed copy.
The Connector comes out at 4 PM every Friday. The deadline for submissions is noon, the Wednesday prior.