Breaking Free from the Myth of Scarcity

Church Family,
Walter Brueggemann, a retired professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, published an article entitled “The Liturgy of Abundance, The Myth of Scarcity.” It’s a great article worthy of your time and attention (google the title, and it will come up). In it, Brueggemann describes the scarcity mindset. He writes, “We who are now the richest nation are today’s main coveters. We never feel that we have enough; we have to have more and more, and this insatiable desire destroys us.” This is the myth, or mindset, of scarcity.
How often do we go through life lamenting that we do not have enough? Some of us regret not having enough degrees, so we imagine that if we return to school and earn another one, it will finally ease our feelings of inferiority. Others of us are afraid that we do not or will not have enough saved for retirement, which becomes the focus of our fear and anxiety. So, we try various strategies to ease the panic of our perceived financial insecurity. Still, others might be worried we do not have enough friends with whom we can share in community, so we find ways to cope with the loneliness.
I don’t want to deny those situations where there is not enough to meet someone’s basic needs. However, my hunch is that the scarcity mindset, more often than not, is a myth and not a reality. Here’s why I say that: every time we think we have enough of something, we soon begin to feel that we do not have enough of something else. Brueggemann is right: we never think that we have enough.
The solution to a scarcity mindset is to ask, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for God to open our eyes to see His goodness and grace in our lives. When that happens, we go from a scarcity mindset to a thanksgiving mood. When we live from a place of thanksgiving instead of scarcity, we begin to recognize all we do have instead of all we do not have. We realize that God is good and good to us. This is why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. Sure, the food and family are great, but we, as a nation, need to take the time to see how much we’re blessed. I believe when God opens our minds and hearts to seeing life from the perspective of Thanksgiving instead of scarcity, we realize that the reality is that we have more than enough of the blessing of God showered upon us.
Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
Video Devotional: Paul’s Personal Greetings to Christians in Rome
In his final greetings to Christians in Rome in Romans 16:1-16, the Apostle Paul sends greetings to 27 people and two families even though he has never been to Rome. What do we learn about the inclusive nature of the Body of Christ in the early church that should serve as a model for today?
Soli Deo Gloria!

Coffee, Dessert and Listening with Pastor Will
We’re pleased to announce numerous Listening Sessions during the fourth quarter of 2024. These smaller (5-20 people) settings will allow you to get to know Pastor Will in a more informal way, while also giving Pastor Will a chance to hear what is on your mind – be it hopes, ideas and plans for the future of FPC or nagging questions about Scripture and our place and mission in the secular world.
Most sessions (small S!) will be evening events (after dinner, coffee, dessert and/or snacks served) in the living rooms of PNC members or Session members’ homes, lasting for 90 minutes. There will also be at least two larger sessions at FPC. Participants need only bring open minds and hearts and a willingness to engage on Christian topics.
Signups will occur via SignUp Genius:
A few ground rules for these sessions:
1. Please sign up for one and only one session.
2. Please no Session (big S) member or staff members – these connections are already being made on a 1-to-1 basis. Deacons, however, are welcome to attend if they have not yet connected with Will.
3. If you have already had a chance to engage with Pastor Will in a small group (non-worship) setting (say Light Team, New Horizons, ministry committee, adult bible study class, etc.) please do not sign up for these listening sessions. These sessions are designed to reach those in our 450-person flock who have not yet had the chance to engage Will on a smaller scale.
4. Home-based sessions shall be capped at eight participants (besides hosts and Pastor Will). We encourage you to join sessions that include members you don’t already know. Get to know some new friends beyond your rock solid FPC support group!
We look forward to this new way to enjoy fellowship while getting to know our new Pastor!

We exist as a congregation to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known:
- To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ so all may come to know and love Him;
- To nurture His people in joyful faith, fellowship, and commitment; and
- To demonstrate His way of love in service to the world.
We use the Connector to share news of the coming week and beyond, the activities that involve a wide range of ages and interests at FPC.
Coming Events | November 10 – 30, 2024
Saturday, November 9, at 10AM and Monday, November 11, at 6:30PM– FPC Care for the Caregivers Support Group
Sometimes we need someone to walk with us, someone who is experiencing the same path of caregiving. Someone to share ups and downs with, and possibly offer advice.
Are you or were you a caregiver? Let’s lean on each other and learn from each other as a group of Christians. Our FPC group is small but mighty, always welcoming any newcomers. The group is offered once a month. Stop in when you can, you choose to share or listen, it’s up to you. We meet in the Chapel, once on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm, and once on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am. The discussions held in the meetings are confidential, people can speak freely.
Attendee Lori Phelps has said, “This is my therapy and is so helpful for my mental health as I care for my parents! I walk away with a clearer mind and fresh ideas (an indoor garden kit for my dad! I didn’t know these existed! And a binder for my mom titled, When I start feeling bored, I can…). I’m so grateful for Marcia creating and conducting this group! She is a great listener, and she cares. She’s been through the same experiences so we can talk, laugh, or cry through the ups and downs. I feel like this group is so beneficial but seems to be the best kept secret. We should spread the word for others to benefit too!”
Caregivers (current or previous) – join us any month you can! If you have questions, or if these dates and times won’t work for you, please contact Marcia Chase, or call 849-5683 and leave a message during work hours.
Sunday, November 10, at 3PM – Theology on Tap at Jim & Judy’s

Join us for a casual gathering that is centered around food/drinks, connection, and conversation on a deep faith topic. All Aged 21+ are welcome!
We are getting too big for Octopi!
We will be meeting at Jim and Judy’s House on November 10 at 3pm: 1126 Quinn Drive, Waunakee.
Contact Christa or Ezrah for more info:
Future Meeting Dates
December 8
Mondays, from 1-2:30PM – Light Team

Light team is a small women’s group that emphasizes fellowship with a Bible study. Meetings take place Monday afternoons in the Gathering Place from 1-2:30.
No homework is required and our meetings are open to all. Our time together is enhanced with coffee, tea, and delicious snacks.
No Light Team on the following days
November 25
December 30
January 20, 2025
If you are interested in joining, or would like more information, please email Lynda Bennin.
Tuesdays through December 3 – New Bible Study: Mark – Led by Pastor Will

Name of Study: “Mark”- Abingdon New Testament Commentaries
Start Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Bible Study time: 7:30 am start time with hard stop @ 8:30 am
Location: M-N-M’s Coffeehouse, 509 W. Main St., Waunakee
Bible Study Leader: Pastor Will Wilson
Overview: This 8-week-long Bible Study will meet every Tuesday beginning October 15 and ending on December 3. This in-depth study on Mark lies not in just telling a story about Jesus but in creating conditions under which you will experience the peculiar qualities of God’s good news! The study will focus around the book “Mark”- Abingdon New Testament Commentaries by C. Colin Black, the Bible and general group discussion led by Pastor Will. The book is available on at a cost of $21.67/ea. If you are interested in participating in this study please contact Jim Fitzgerald at not later than Monday, October 7 so books can be ordered and we can count you in! In an effort to help offset the cost of each book FPC will help subsidize this cost by paying one-half of the $21.67 total cost ($10.84/ea.) to help share the investment. We look forward to your participation and invite those of you interested in joining us starting on Tuesday, October 15 at 7:30 am at M-N-M’s Coffeehouse in Waunakee.
Tuesdays, from 5:15-6PM – Heavenly Stretch

A six-week fall session of Heavenly Stretch will begin on Tuesday, October 22 from 5:15-6PM in the Chapel. Bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing. Recommended donation is $5 per session (unless you want to give more!) and will be given to Shelter From the Storm Ministry.
Heavenly Stretch is taught by Lolly Lawrence, who is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. She also has certifications in Holy Yoga, chair yoga, and Silver Sneakers Yoga. She currently teaches Wednesday mornings at the Waunakee Village Center.
Wednesdays, from 7-8:15PM – Youth Group

All students in 7-12 grade are invited to participate in Youth Group on Wednesdays from 7-8:15PM
Email Ezrah at
Wednesdays, from 7-8:30PM – Men’s Ministry Meeting

Men’s Ministry is a multi-generational group of men committed to exploring matters of Faith, Purpose and Connection. The group meets on Wednesdays from 7PM to approximately 8:30PM at the church and also plans off-site opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and community service. All men are welcome.
Join the group in room 204. Currently we are watching the video series, “The Life You’ve Always Wanted” by Pastor/Christian Author John Ortberg. This six week study takes a look at what a true spiritual life really looks like? What keeps us from living such a life? And how we can pursue it?
If you would like to hear more about our group please stop by and see us. Otherwise please contact Jim Fitzgerald at or David Sliwicki at for carpooling information and to find out more about FPC’s Men’s Group. All men are welcome to join us!
Wednesday, November 13 from 8-8:30PM – Student Guatemala Mission Trip

Sunday, November 24 – Waunakee Ecumenical Board Thanksgiving Service
The All Faith Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be hosted by St. John’s this year! Sunday, November 24 at 4:15PM. Located at 209 South Street, Waunakee. All are welcome! A variety of pies will be served.
Wednesday – Thursday, November 27-29 – FPC Office Closed for Thanksgiving

The FPC church office will be closed from November 27-29 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Save the Date | More Info to come
Monday, December 2, at 6:30PM – Centering Prayer
The Centering Prayer group usually meets in the Chapel on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM for two 20 minute “sits.” For those who want to “learn by doing,” please come at 6 PM to get oriented. For questions, please contact Judy Fitzgerald.
Friday, December 6, at 6PM – Caroling and Cocoa with Kindermusik

Kindermusik will be hosting Christmas Caroling and Cocoa on Friday, December 6 at 6pm in Fellowship Hall.
Come one come all, to the “Decked Fellowship Hall!”
A surefire way to experience the true meaning of Christmas! Family and Friends remembering and celebrating Christ’s birth in song with cup of cocoa!
Sunday, December 15, during and after the service –
Christa Schmeelk’s Farewell Celebration
Friday and Saturday, December 20 and 21 – FPC’s Live Nativity

Be a part of the wonder of the season at the FPC of Waunakee’s Live Nativity on December 20 and 21! We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our team. This beloved community event relies on the support of dedicated individuals like you. Whether you’re interested in donning a costume, helping with setup/takedown, or preparing or serving food to our hungry volunteers, your involvement will help make this year’s Live Nativity a truly special experience.
Sunday, December 22, 4PM – Children’s Nativity Service

Hello FPC families! We need to find out how many kids are interested in participating in a Children’s Nativity Service this year. Please fill out one form per child. There will be opportunities to dress up in costume, parts to sing, and kids can help narrate the story or even share a musical talent! The only rehearsal will be during Sunday School: 9-9:50am on Sunday, December 22. Performance is December 22, at 4:00 p.m.
Monday, December 23 at 1PM – Light Team’s Christmas with the Chosen

Experience the first Christmas through the eyes of Mary and Joseph. Follow the young couple as they take the long road to Bethlehem and prepare for Jesus’ birth.
Description of “Anxious for Nothing”: Best selling author, Max Lucado, explores God’s treatment plan for anxiety found in Philippians 4:4-8. You can
discover a life of calm and develop tools for combating the onslaught of anxiety.
Tuesday, December 24, 4PM & 7PM – Christmas Eve Worship Service

FPC will host two worship services on Christmas Eve on Tuesday, December 24.
4PM – Family Service
7PM – Candlelight Service
Tuesday – Thursday, December 24-26 – FPC Office Closed for Christmas

The FPC church office will be closed from December 24-26 for Christmas.
Wednesday, January 1 – FPC Office Closed New Years Day

The FPC church office will be closed January 1 for New Year’s Day. Happy New Year!
Opportunities to Serve
Hurricane Helene

FPC Mission Team is exploring forming a mission trip to help with disaster relief to areas affected by Hurricane Helene, if you are interested or want to know more, please contact Julie Cable or Sue Halweg. Thank you!
Join the FPC Choir

Join the FPC Choir as we begin our preparations for Advent and Christmas Eve. Singing in the choir is a wonderful way to center yourself on Jesus’ birth and is fun too! Anyone is welcome to join anytime, but November 20th will be the first rehearsal for Advent and Christmas Eve. The choir will rehearse from 6:30-8:30pm on Wednesdays between then and Christmas Eve, with the exception of November 27th when we take a break for Thanksgiving. Anyone interested or who has questions can contact Jamison at
Join us in bringing Christmas cheer to FPC!

Help decorate for Christmas on November 24, from 1-3 PM. Volunteers can reach out to Lynda at Let’s make the season bright together!
Beanie Babies serving in the name of Christ?

Below you will find a list of items that need to be collected to help make the January Guatemala trip successful. You may ask, “Why stuffed animals?” or simply think it’s a nice gift for needy children but really it is so much more than that. One of Outreach for World Hope’s most impactful missions is to identify and help starving children. Each child who comes to the distribution center is promised a stuffed animal or toy. Having an abundance of stuffed animals helps to ensure the children come and Outreach for World Hope can identify those most at risk of starvation and intervene before it’s too late.
Needed items:
• New or gently used children’s clothing size 2T & up
• Jeans/pants preferred over shorts
• Lightweight children’s shoes
• Infant clothing/hats
• Baby receiving blankets
• Small toys
• Small stuffed animals (size of beanie babies)
• Dum Dum suckers
• Acetaminophen/tylenol 325mg
• Ibuprofen
• Generic tums
• Fiberfill/scrap matting
Please place all donation items in the suitcases by the mission table by January 5th.
Guaranteed to Make You Feel Younger… Volunteer with Children!

We currently need more warm and friendly (and silly) individuals to round out our gold medal Sunday School teaching teams. No experience necessary! Guidance, teacher manuals and materials provided. Sunday School is from 9am-9:50am. Youth volunteers are also encouraged to assist. Help on occasion or on a rotating schedule-you choose. Please consider this important calling by reaching out to our Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Lori Phelps at The rewards and smiles are plentiful!
Sunday Job Opportunity – 2 hours/week

First Presbyterian Church (FPC) of Waunakee is a thriving church looking for two adults to care for our littlest ones (ages 0-3yrs) in our Nursery on Sundays, from 9:30am-11:30am. Job share/rotation will also be considered. Pay is $23/hr, and you can bring your own children or grandchildren with you. Strong candidates will have a Christian faith, self-motivation, love of children, warm personality, and attention to safety and cleanliness.
Hammers with Halos

Want to help others with minor household repairs, maintenance or yard work? Contact the church office or any of the Deacons. Your name will be added to a call list and you may be contacted to see if you can help when a request is received.
Sunday Worship House Manager

FPC of Waunakee is seeking dedicated volunteers to fulfill the role of “House Manager” during our Sunday services. This position involves ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our congregation by monitoring our facilities and surroundings. Volunteers will be attentive and proactive, keeping an eye out for any potential concerns that may arise. We value a calm and composed demeanor, as well as strong communication and observational skills. If you are passionate about contributing to a secure and peaceful worship experience, please consider joining our House Manager team.
Sound Desk Assistant Needed

We invite you to join our dynamic worship team as a Sound Desk Assistant! Play a crucial role in enhancing our Sunday worship services by ensuring a seamless audio/visual experience for the congregation both in-person and at home. Take turns with fellow volunteers and enjoy a unique opportunity to be part of our vibrant worship atmosphere! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Christa Schmeelk at
Agrace Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to assist customers and operate the cash register at the Doc Rock Café located inside the Agrace Madison campus or make companionship visits to local Agrace hospice patients in patients’ homes, nursing homes or assisted living centers.
Schedules are flexible, and free training is provided. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Agrace at (608) 327-7163 or visit to apply online.
Help Needed! The Waunakee Food Pantry is looking for volunteers the last Wednesday of each month

Did you know that the food pantry serves ~200 families each month? Our church has a long history of supporting the Waunakee food pantry. Our FPC church has been given the last Wednesday of every month from 4-6 pm to distribute food. This is a great way to connect with fellow members and serve the community. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form on the FPC website, or talk with Sheryll Gehrmann for more details.
Unable to volunteer? Here’s the list of items most needed this month:
- Canned Beef Stew
- Instant White Rice
- Sloppy Joe Sauce
- Instant AuGratin Potatoes
- Canned fruit (pears, peaches, mandarin oranges)
- Ketchup and Mustard
- Bar soap
- Knorr Pasta & Rice Sides
The pantry is always looking for paper grocery bags as well. Items can be placed in the shopping cart at the entrance by the Education wing.
News and Announcements

October Session Meeting Minutes
For the Connector, Shepherding the Flock, from the October Session Meeting:
Pastor Wilson opened with a scripture passage from Mark 1:35-39. Pastor Will spoke about Jesus’ refusal to get distracted by the tyranny of the urgent vs. focusing on His mission and message.
Boundary Training
All elders were asked to watch the Presbytery’s border training videos (2) prior to the meeting. Pastor Will, in this meeting, distributed handouts related to the videos. We discussed the content (what surprised us, what did we learn) and considered where we are on the scale between complacency, compliance and commitment. We’ll discuss again in the November session meeting and identify areas of non-compliance and gaps.
Report of the Clerk
The revised offer for the land purchase, voted on in the congregational meeting on 10/13/24, was accepted by Don Tierney and his representatives. It was approved at the Plan Commission meeting on 10/14/24. We asked Don to avoid future changes to the agreement, if possible. The following language has been added to the agreement by FPC: “Should buyer decide to proceed with Luxury Condos/single-family detached homes on lots 287-290, FPC requests that a row of substantial evergreen trees be added to those lots close to the church lot line as a visual barrier. In the event the buyer decides not to proceed with either Luxury Condos/single-family detached homes on lots 287-290, and decide to subdivide back to 8 individual lots, then the four FPC lots would need to be single-family detached homes.”
Pastor’s Moment
- Still glowing from installation service, Iris’ baptism, Dr. Craig Barnes involvement and sermon. It was a great day, thanks to the church.
- Still working through the best method for communion distribution
- Attended a listening session at Mark and Eileen Mathwig’s
- Attended “All About FPC”
- Has been holding 1-1’s with elders and other members
- One goal is to learn about the history and culture of FPC. Was given a tour of the old church building, hosted by Mary Currie.
- Appreciating the opportunity to have pastoral moments and visits. “No authority in the pulpit without passing by the bedside.”
- Seeking to be a friend among colleagues at John Knox Presbytery.
- Held baptism preparation meetings
- Meeting with staff and church committees
- Started study on Mark this morning. Thanks to Jim Fitzgerald for getting this started.
- Looking ahead:
- FPC is participating in the Thanksgiving WEB service, being hosted at St. John’s
- Christmas service planning
- Establishing a collegial relationship with Pastor Kirk. In his role as moderator, Pastor Will is at liberty to welcome Pastor Kirk and Faith back to participate at FPC, at their discretion. Pastor Will plans to do this. He is also OK with Pastor Kirk officiating at any wedding or funeral requested by FPC members. Pastor Kirk must be asked by the member and agree to officiate, Kirk will keep Will in the loop.
Consent Action Items: M/S/A Unanimous
- Note that the State of Wisconsin Department of Financials Filing was completed on Friday, 8/23/24. A copy of the filing was included in the session packet.
- Approve the baptism of Willa Sash, Barb Sash’s granddaughter, on 12/1/2024
- Approve the baptism Aria Katterman, for a Sunday in January 2025
- Update our internal policy on how flexible spending account benefits are handled when an employee leaves the organization, to match the IRS rules.
Finance Report
Alan Roberts reported that the General Fund Balance is around $30k. There was a deposit in transit in August, that shows on the September statement. We do have a few donors who will give stock donations occasionally to help with GF balance. Some members gave their whole pledge during the summer.
We have been setting aside $2,500 a month from the general fund to the building fund. There is now $63,000 in the building fund. We had suspended moving this money over the summer and will continue to do so for the time being.
The first draft of the budget is due on 10/31/2024. This is also the due date for Wish List additions and changes.
Given vs. pledged for August was 89% and year-to-date is 105%. Income vs. expense for all funds is -$48,007.54. Income vs. expense for the general fund is -$59,286.37. Reminder that we went into 2024 with a faith budget of approximately -$100,000.
Worship and Music
Amy Lewis reported that the W&M team continues to review processes and is overcoming challenges. They are working on updated job aids for each W&M volunteer position, working through details with copyrights/etc. related to playing recorded music prior to the service, and they have re-instituted the usher team.
Building and Grounds
Nothing significant to report this month.
Student Ministry
Emily Bauer reported that six students participated in the Pres House meal, where they helped with the recognition for Natalie Handley’s last day there, prior to her move to a church where she has been commissioned to serve in Michigan.
Saturday morning and Wednesday evening session with students are going well.
Alan Roberts called in to a Student Ministry team meeting to explain FPC finance and the use of special funds. Default planning assumption for the 2025 budget is that “generic” money given to ministry area special funds will be used for the ministry area.
Adult Nurture and Spiritual Growth
Jim Fitzgerald noted that there are 10 small groups currently underway, with another starting soon. Adult Sunday School has about 5-10 participants, would like to see growth there. Seeing great participation at Light Team and Men’s Bible Study meetings. Continuing to work on promoting small groups. Finalizing plans for Pastor Will’s listening sessions with several adult small groups. Providing assistance, as needed, for the Women’s Retreat coming up 10/18-10/20 at Green Lake. Finalizing plans for Pastor Will’s bible study on Mark. Overview of Holy Land pilgrimage planned for 11/10.
Julie Cable reported that Food for Kidz is planned for October 20 and volunteer spots are full. Responding to Hurricane Helene with donations and interest in serving in recovery effort. Planning a Thanksgiving turkey drive for Web/Food Pantry (partnering with Children’s ministry) and organizing collection of kid’s clothing and stuffed animals for Outreach for World Hope mission trip (3 FPC members are going on the trip). Took 3 carloads of coat and hats to the WNC for their coat drive. Giving trees planned for 11/24. Redefining the approach to mission – from distributing money to more FPC member involvement in missions.
Children’s Ministry
Peter Bergman provided a written report. They are still seeking Sunday nursery volunteers and trying to attract more Sunday School teachers (don’t yet have quite 3 teachers per class, which is ideal). Considering parent feedback on timing for Sunday School, may survey parents on this topic. Upcoming events include costume day on 10/27, Thanksgiving turkey fundraiser, NW56 Craft and Pizza on 11/10 and Pizza and Bowling on 12/8. Continuing search for CM Director.
Barb Cash provided a written report, noting that the stewardship season kicked off the first Sunday in October. Pledge cards and letter will be sent the week of 10/14. Interviews/videos will be presented each Sunday and articles will be written for the Connector. The theme for the 2025 stewardship campaign is “God Leads, We Follow.”
Fellowship FUN Team
Krista Wallace reported that the FUN team is planning a pancake and parfait breakfast, after church on 11/3. Tentatively planning for Coffee and Carols after church on 12/8, an Epiphany Potluck on 1/5/2025, Family Bingo Night on 1/29/2025, and Lenten Dinners on Wednesday evenings through March and April.
New Member Outreach
The Live Nativity will be held on two nights this year, 12/20 and 12/21. Will run from 6-8 p.m. on Friday and 5-8 p.m. on Saturday. Dinner will be served for volunteers, both evenings.
Will be starting work on a new member’s photo directory this spring. Marla Alexander will take the lead on this.
Session accepted Christa Schmeelk’s resignation from her role as Director of Engagement, with a 12/22 effective date.
Care Letters
Care Letters were signed by the elders for 15 members.
Pastor Will Wilson closed the meeting in prayer, including prayers for those members receiving Care Letters.
October 13, 2024 Congregational Meeting
The called Congregational meeting was called to order by Pastor Will Wilson at 11:08 a.m. on October 13, 2024.
The sole agenda item was to take a vote on whether to change the previous motion, agreed to by the congregation on July 28, 2024, to allow for single-family attached homes to be built on selected lots on the land that FPC has agreed to sell to Donald Tierney, as requested by Don Tierney.
Previous motion:
Approve the sale of FPC land as described in the legal description to Donald C. Tierney, for a minimum price of $225,000. Include a restrictive covenant, recorded in the deed, that limits use of the property after the sale to prevent the construction of anything other than single-family detached homes, in perpetuity.
Legal description of the FPC land proposed for sale:
Legal Description of Lands to be Conveyed:
Part of Lot 1, Certified Survey Map Number 14048, as recorded in Volume 94 of Certified Survey Maps, on pages 122-127, as Document Number 5177982, Dane County Registry and located in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 18, Township 08 North, Range 09 East, Village of Waunakee, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:
Commencing at the East quarter corner of said Section 18; thence N89°38’13”W, along the south line of said NE ¼ of Section 18, a distance of 87.92 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence continuing N89°38’13”W, along said south line of the NE ¼ and the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 830.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing N89°38’13”W, along said south line, 120.00 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence N00°39’03”E, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 480.00 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence S89°37’31”E, along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 840.00 feet; thence S00°39’03”W, 80.00 feet; thence N89°37’31”W, 720.00 feet; thence S00°39’03”W, 399.98 feet to the point of beginning. This description contains approximately 115,198 square feet or 2.644 acres.
Clerk of Session, Lolly Lawrence, declared a quorum. Around 90 people were in attendance.
Handouts containing the Connector article, which detailed the proposed changes, and a diagram, were distributed to interested members. Lolly Lawrence described the changes, assisted by Bernie Gehrmann.
The amendment to purchase stated:
- Paragraph 2.C. on Exhibit B to the Offer to Purchase shall be amended to provide that Lots 287-290, inclusive, on the proposed preliminary and final plats submitted by Buyer may be either
(i) detached single-family residential lots or (ii) two attached single family dwelling units on each lot, at the option of the Buyer. Lots 285-286 and 291 on the proposed preliminary and final plats shall still be detached single family residential lots. The lots are identified on Exhibit C attached hereto.
- Paragraph 2.D. on Exhibit B to the Offer to Purchase shall be amended to incorporate the provisions of Section A. above in this Amendment to Offer with respect to the terms in the proposed amendment to General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan regarding the options for use of proposed lots 287-290 as either detached single family lots or two attached single family dwelling units on each lot.
The motion was discussed and several questions were answered.
A show-of-hands vote was taken, 5 were opposed, all others were in agreement. The motion passed.
A motion was taken to adjourn at 11:19 and passed unanimously. Pastor Will closed the meeting in prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lolly Lawrence, Clerk of Session
FPC Waunakee
Freezer Meals for Fellowship: Care When It’s Needed Most

The Deacons are excited to introduce a new way to show care for our FPC family members going through challenging times. To ensure meals reach those in need promptly, we’ve stocked the Fellowship Hall’s freezer with pre-made meals. Each meal includes a list of ingredients, serving size, and simple heating instructions, making it easy for anyone at FPC to pick up a meal and deliver it to someone who could use extra support. A huge thanks to our Youth Group for preparing so many meals with love and care!
If you know someone recovering from surgery, facing a difficult time, grieving, or celebrating a new baby, please feel free to take a meal for them. Just let our FPC Meal Coordinator know, so we can keep track of our outreach. Together, let’s share our prayers and these meals of love with our FPC family.
This Week’s Birthdays: November 10 – 16

This Week’s Anniversaries: November 10 – 16

FPC Nursery for Ages 3 and under

Nursery Age 3 and Under – Room 200
The Nursery is available on Sundays from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, is staffed by church volunteers who love children and want to share God’s love with them.

Music in Worship
November 10 – Mary Kay Burton, guest organist, Ying Wang, pianist
November 17 – Ying Wang, pianist
November 24 – FPC Choir; Ying Wang, pianist
Praise Song of the Week
This week’s praise song, Always, by Chris Tomlin, encompasses Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” As so much continues to change in our world, Tomlin reminds us that “our faith is not 30 minutes old” in recent Worship Sound Bite from the website As you go through this week, remember that we serve a God who is Holy, Just, and the Same. Always.

Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.

Tryg Knutson

Jill Umlauf
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The Connector comes out at 4 PM every Friday. The deadline for submissions is noon, the Wednesday prior.