TOMORROW, May 1 | 10-11 am, drive by the front doors of FPC to pick up Communion Elements for the virtual service and receive prayer.

Church member, Laura Dortzbach, provided this seed of encouragement. She came across it while reading in her Mother’s Bible. Thanks for sharing, Laura!

“For the times they are a-changin’”
What: Summer Sunday Worship Service
When: June 6, 2021-August 29, 2021
Where: Family Outdoor Shelter at FPC
Time: 9:00 am
Bring: A lawn chair
Say YES to: Social distancing, masks optional
A note of thanks from FPC supported missionaries

Enjoy this note of thanks and encouragement from the Williamson’s who are Wycliffe missionaries that are supported by FPC:
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Waunakee First Presbyterian Church,
We are thankful for you and for the ways you have journeyed together through this year of COVID. We’re confident that you have faced challenges as a church and as individuals which has pushed you to depend on God in ways you haven’t or haven’t for a while. We rejoice with you that you have been able to begin meeting together in-person again–what a blessing to gather together and encourage one another in faith and good deeds!
We pray that your Easter celebrations will be a rich time together and an opportunity to welcome others in the community into meaningful relationship with Jesus and His church.
Thank you for your prayers and support of us and our family through this year. We are so grateful for the obstacles that God’s living For continues to overcome as we work with Wycliffe Bible Tranlsators through supporting the work of members around the world.
Serving with you, Andrea & Travis Williamson

Have you ever served our country in uniform?
Each year on the Sunday before Memorial Day we recognize members of our church family who have served in the past, whether discharged or retired, as well as those who are currently serving our country in uniform. This year it will be on May 30.
If you were included in our previous listing, you will automatically be included again this year. If you would like to be included in this listing and haven’t been in the past, please contact Sue Gade in the church office at 949-9445 or by Monday, May 24. Also, if you are currently serving, please contact Sue to make sure your listing is up to date.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made and continue to make to protect our citizens and our nation. This is a powerful, annual opportunity at FPC to thank and honor the men and women who offer themselves–in life and in death–for the good of their country.
Student Ministry Family Hike at Gibraltar Rock

Student Ministry Families had a great time hiking at Gibraltar Rock. We look forward to another hike together!
More upcoming events:
Virtual Service Communion Pickup and Prayer
TOMORROW, May 1 from 12-12:30p m, drive by the front doors of FPC to pick up Communion Elements for the virtual service and receive a prayer.
Men’s Bible Study on James
Beginning THIS Sunday | May 2 – June 6
Attention men of FPC! Would you like to have a better understanding of the Bible and grow in relationship with God and other men at FPC? If so, Ezrah Schmeelk, our Director of Student Ministry, invites you to participate in a 6-week Bible study on the book of James. This group is open to men of all ages and will be meeting virtually on Sundays starting May 23. Contact Ezrah for more information.
Looking for more in-person opportunities?
Would you be interested in an in-person art night or craft-ernoon? What about an in-person small group Bible Study? Or maybe meeting up for fun outdoor activities?
Email Christa or Ezrah Schmeelk with your interest!
Parenting Teens Workshop
Thursday, May 6 | 7pm on Zoom
All parents of middle and high school students at FPC are invited to join us on Thursday, May 6 from 7-8pm on Zoom as we look to become more equipped parents in raising our kids in life and in faith. If you can’t make it to this, but are interested in the video we will be watching, let Ezrah know!
Meeting ID: 817 8725 4068
Passcode: fpc
Email Ezrah Schmeelk, Director of Student MInistry, with any questions.
Adult Virtual Game Night: Jeopardy Edition!
Friday, May 7 | 7pm on Zoom

Join us Friday, May 7 at 7pm via Zoom for some fun!
Meeting ID: 873 0436 9707
Passcode: fpc
Sunday School End of Year Celebration
Saturday, May 15 | 4pm Outdoor Family Space
Let’s celebrate a successful conclusion to the Sunday School season! We will also use this opportunity to present Bibles to the preschoolers and 6th graders.
Mother’s Day Crafting Event
Sunday, May 9 | 10:45

Get those creative juices flowing for mom at this crafting event! Be at the Outdoor Family Space following Sunday worship on May 9. We will paint clay pots for Mother’s Day gifts. All ages are invited. Paint supplies and a flower to plant in the pot will be provided. Hope to see you there! Register today!
Rocky Railway VBS
June 21-23 | 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Full steam ahead for 3 rockin’ nights on the rails! We are thrilled to offer a multi-age Family Outdoor VBS at FPC. Join us in FPC’s backyard on June 21-23 at 5:30-7:30 pm. No meal will be served but take some delicious snacks to chew-chew on at home.
Because our volunteers will not be able to be “hands on” to help, we ask each crew signing up to provide their own adult crew leader–Mom, Dad, Grandma or all!
Register Now: $25 for the first passenger and $15 for each sibling. Adults and volunteers board for free! (Space is limited to a maximum of 110 travelers.) Register using the link below to confirm your train ticket! Registration is open to FPC families first. (Don’t take a chance waiting for the caboose!)
Email Patricia Coley, Director of Children’s Ministry, with any questions.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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