Faithful Role Models

Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas’s They Like to Never Quit Praisin’ God: The Role of Celebration in Preaching argues that earlier generations of Black preachers learned the craft of preaching through careful observation of role models, as seminary training accessible to whites was often out of reach for Black individuals. Role models can be effective when learning a new skill. Thomas references how Duke Ellington learned to play jazz from the likes of Bubber Miley. From Bubber, Duke discovered the importance of paying attention to his surroundings and translating that sight into sound. Thomas writes, “The African American preaching tradition is learned through models.”
One can learn many things by watching others. I know woodworkers who have mastered the craft of making cabinets, tables, and stools by observing more experienced practitioners. Singers develop their skills in part by listening to accomplished vocalists. Painters enhance their technique by watching other skilled artists; this is how Bob Ross came to love his craft. We learn through imitation. Being a dedicated disciple of Jesus Christ involves a great deal of learning. Thankfully, we have models to follow.
Paul exhorted the Church at Corinth: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). In other words, Paul emphasizes, “You can learn to be a disciple by observing my life, as I follow Jesus.” So, the question for us in this upcoming Lenten season, and indeed in every season, is this: What are we teaching people to imitate through the way we live our lives? Would they learn from watching us the way of Jesus or the ways of the world?
I thank God for providing role models of the faith from whom I have tried to learn.
I encourage you to reflect on the individuals God has positioned in your life who, through their example, have taught you the art and craft of Christian discipleship.
To God be the Glory,

We exist as a congregation to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known:
- To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ so all may come to know and love Him;
- To nurture His people in joyful faith, fellowship, and commitment; and
- To demonstrate His way of love in service to the world.
We use the Connector to share news of the coming week and beyond, the activities that involve a wide range of ages and interests at FPC.
Coming Events | March 9-29, 2025
Sundays during Lenten Season, 9AM or 10AM – Two Sunday Worship Services!

Starting THIS Sunday, March 9, we’re offering a special 9AM service during the Lenten season—everything you love about a typical Sunday service, just in a shorter, 45-minute format. It’s a beautiful way to reflect, worship, and prepare your heart as we journey toward Easter.
The 9AM service will be held in the Chapel, but if attendance calls for it, we will move to the Sanctuary.
We will also continue to offer our traditional service format at 10AM in the Sanctuary, so you can choose the worship experience and time that fits you best.
Mondays, from 1-2:30PM – Light Team

The Light Team is currently doing a six-week series on “The Last Days of Jesus.” Walk with Jesus this Lenten season as He prepares His disciples for His death. This series includes historical and cultural background, a closer look at Biblical text, and then applying the lessons to your life. All women are invited to join for connection time. Please contact Lynda Bennin for more info.
Monday, March 10, at 6:30PM and – FPC Care for the Caregivers Support Group
In the journey of caregiving, the road can often feel lonely and overwhelming. Recognizing this, FPC’s Care for Caregivers was created as a haven for those who provide care to others but often may forget to care for themselves. The monthly meetings are dedicated to providing emotional, mental, and spiritual encouragement to those who care for aging parents, family members with chronic illnesses, or loved ones with disabilities.
If you’re a caregiver (current or previous), consider attending a meeting. The meetings are drop-in style. Newcomers are always welcome. You can choose to share or just listen. Meetings are usually in the Chapel, however during Lenten Season we will be meeting in Room 204, once on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm, and once on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am. If one of these times do not work for you, please let us know. To learn more, contact Marcia Chase, or call/text at cell # (334)444-6610 and leave a message during work hours. Or just drop in to a meeting.
Remember: You’re not alone, and it’s okay to take time to care for yourself too!
Tuesdays through April 15 – 8-Week Bible Study: Mark Part Two – Led by Pastor Will

Name of Study: “Mark”- Abingdon New Testament Commentaries
When: Every Tuesday, through April 15 – 7:30 am start time with hard stop @ 8:30 am
Location: M-N-M’s Coffeehouse, 509 W. Main St., Waunakee
Bible Study Leader: Pastor Will Wilson
Overview: After taking a short break over the Advent season, we wanted to let you know we will resume the second half of our 8-week study (chapters #9-16) on Mark’s Gospel led by Pastor Will Wilson at M-N-M’s Coffeehouse starting on Tuesday February 25, 2025 @ 7:30 a.m. Our 8-week study will conclude on Tuesday, April 15th during Holy Week.
Please contact Jim Fitzgerald if you would like to join or have any questions.
Wednesdays, from 7-8:30PM – FPC Men’s Ministry Group

FPC Men’s Ministry Group has started a new video series by Jon Ortberg called “Who Is This Man?” In this five session video based study, Ortberg shows how Jesus’ influence has swept over history, bringing his inspiration to the fields of art, science, government, medicine and education. And how his vision for us to lead lives of dignity, compassion, forgiveness and hope continues to inspire and challenge humanity today.
All men are welcome and please contact David Sliwicki for more info.
Thursdays, through April 10, from 5:15-6PM – Heavenly Stretch

A six-week Lenten session of Heavenly Stretch will run every Thursday through April 10 from 5:15-6PM in room 305. Bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing. Recommended donation is $5 per session (unless you want to give more!) and will be given to Shelter From the Storm Ministry.
Heavenly Stretch is taught by Lolly Lawrence, who is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. She also has certifications in Holy Yoga, chair yoga, and Silver Sneakers Yoga. She currently teaches Wednesday mornings at the Waunakee Village Center.
Wednesday, March 12 from 11:30-1:30PM – New Horizons: Church History Jeopardy
Get ready to test your knowledge and have some fun at Church History Jeopardy, hosted by David Healy! Join us on March 12 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in Fellowship Hall for a day of friendly competition, laughs, and learning. Whether you’re a history buff or just love a good game, this event is for you! We’ll begin with a potluck lunch at 11:30AM; the Jeopardy game will get underway about 12:15PM. Don’t miss this exciting chance to learn and connect!
RSVP to Steve Doty at
Wednesdays, beginning March 12-April 9, from 6-7:30PM – Midweek Manna and Lenten Dinners

Beginning on Wednesday, March 12 and continuing each Wednesday throughout Lent, through April 9, join us in the Sanctuary for Midweek Manna from 6-6:30PM—a brief, meaningful time of worship and reflection. Featuring a Lenten message and communion, these services provide a sacred pause to refocus and renew as we journey toward Easter. Be nourished by God’s word and presence in the middle of your week.
Afterward, stay for Lenten Dinners from 6:30-7:30 PM in Fellowship Hall, hosted by various FPC ministries. Enjoy delicious meals, warm fellowship, and spiritual reflection as we nourish body and soul. Bring friends, family, and neighbors—everyone is welcome! Whether you come for the food or friendships, you’ll leave blessed. Let’s walk this season together!
Sundays, March 16-April 13 from 9-10AM – Adult Lenten Sunday School

This Lenten season, join us for a five-week Adult Sunday School series from March 16 to April 13 at 9 AM, as we journey through He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Together, we’ll reflect on the profound gifts Christ gave us through his crucifixion—gifts of grace, love, and sacrifice, symbolized by the cross, the thorns, the nails, and the empty tomb. Through powerful video sessions and meaningful discussions, we’ll be reminded of God’s whisper: “I did it just for you.”
Thursday, March 20 – Quilters Meeting

FPC QUILTERS will meet on Thursday, March 20, for lunch followed by a free distribution of quilt fabric. Please contact Anne Frihart (608-512-3620 or for details as to where and when (we will not be at the church).
Save the Date | More Info to come
Thursday, April 17, 7-8PM – Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Join us for our Maundy Thursday worship service on Thursday, April 17, at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. This meaningful service invites us to reflect on the Last Supper, Jesus’ command to love one another, and His journey to the cross. Through Scripture, prayer, and communion, we remember Christ’s sacrifice and the depth of His love. Come and prepare your heart for Easter as we worship together.
Maundy Thursday, observed during Holy Week, commemorates the night Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples before His arrest. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning “commandment,” referring to Jesus’ words in John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another.” This night also reminds us of Jesus humbly washing His disciples’ feet, demonstrating servant-hearted love.
Sunday, April 20, 8AM or 10AM – Easter Sunday Worship

Celebrate the joy of Easter with us on Sunday, April 20! We will offer two worship services at 8 AM and 10 AM in the Sanctuary as we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is a time of hope, renewal, and victory over sin and death—come and worship with us as we proclaim, “He is risen!” Both services will feature uplifting music, Scripture, and a message of resurrection hope. Invite your family and friends to join us for this special morning of celebration!
April 22-23: Photo Directory Sessions!

It’s time for our new directory! It will not be complete without you!
Follow these steps to make your appointment:
- Visit
- Enter Church code: WI393 (wi as in Wisconsin)
- Enter the password: photos (all lowercase)
We will offer three photo session dates:
April 22 or 23.
Everyone photographed will receive a complimentary 8×10 portrait. Additional portraits will be available for purchase on the day of the photo session.
Opportunities to Serve
Join FPC Waunakee as Our Full-Time Director of Children and Family Ministry!
Are you a cheerleader for God with a love for working with kids and families? Then First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is for YOU!
As our Director of Children and Family Ministry, you’ll be:
• A fun and positive leader – ready to inspire and build on an already awesome program and community.
• Enthusiastic – leading fun programs and engaging families and volunteers
• A communicator – sharing God’s love with kids in ways that make them laugh, learn, and grow.
• A multitasker – juggling volunteers, events, and goldfish crackers like a pro.
• A guardian of safety and security – because peace of mind is priceless.
You’ll thrive here if you:
✓ Love working with kids (bonus points if you know how to turn a sticky situation into a teaching moment).
✓ Are organized, self-motivated, and great at delegating.
✓ Believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration with an amazing staff and company culture.
✓ Have a knack for listening, inspiring others, and leading change with a smile.
We’re offering a chance to lead with purpose, grow in your faith, and make a lasting impact. Plus, there’s coffee in the break room and probably some leftover cookies from Sunday school.
Ready to bring your joy, energy, and vision to First Presbyterian Church Waunakee? Let’s build a ministry that kids love and parents cheer for!
Position is 40 hours, full-time, can be hybrid-other than most Sundays. Competitive salary and benefits!
Hammers with Halos

Want to help others with minor household repairs, maintenance or yard work? Contact the church office or any of the Deacons. Your name will be added to a call list and you may be contacted to see if you can help when a request is received.
Sunday Worship House Manager

FPC of Waunakee is seeking dedicated volunteers to fulfill the role of “House Manager” during our Sunday services. This position involves ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our congregation by monitoring our facilities and surroundings. Volunteers will be attentive and proactive, keeping an eye out for any potential concerns that may arise. We value a calm and composed demeanor, as well as strong communication and observational skills. If you are passionate about contributing to a secure and peaceful worship experience, please consider joining our House Manager team.
Sound Desk Assistant Needed

We invite you to join our dynamic worship team as a Sound Desk Assistant! Play a crucial role in enhancing our Sunday worship services by ensuring a seamless audio/visual experience for the congregation both in-person and at home. Take turns with fellow volunteers and enjoy a unique opportunity to be part of our vibrant worship atmosphere! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact
Agrace Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to assist customers and operate the cash register at the Doc Rock Café located inside the Agrace Madison campus or make companionship visits to local Agrace hospice patients in patients’ homes, nursing homes or assisted living centers.
Schedules are flexible, and free training is provided. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Agrace at (608) 327-7163 or visit to apply online.
Help Needed! The Waunakee Food Pantry is looking for volunteers the last Wednesday of each month

Did you know that the food pantry serves ~200 families each month? Our church has a long history of supporting the Waunakee food pantry. Our FPC church has been given the last Wednesday of every month from 4-6 pm to distribute food. This is a great way to connect with fellow members and serve the community. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form on the FPC website, or talk with Sheryll Gehrmann for more details.
Unable to volunteer? Here’s the list of items most needed this month:
- Toilet Paper
- Kleenex
- Mandarin Oranges
- Canned Peaches
- Pasta Sauce
- Strawberry Jam
- Ketchup
- Cereal
The pantry is always looking for paper grocery bags as well. Items can be placed in the shopping cart at the entrance by the Education wing.
News and Announcements

Session Meeting – February 18, 2025
Dianne Larson was acting clerk for this meeting, with Lolly Lawrence being out on vacation
Pastor Will’s devotion was from 1st Corinthians 10 about Calvin on the Lord’s supper and different ways to believe in communion.
Report of the Clerk
A letter from Ministry Engagement and Support was received thanking FPC for our gracious and faithful support of PCUSA’s mission efforts.
Deacons Report: Pastor Ben reported the Deacons have been busy with supplying meals and other regular member contacts.
Pastor’s Moment
- Lots of pastoral care
- Prepping Peg Jones service March 6 with visitation at 9:30 and service at 11:00
- Final Lent preparation
- Getting ready for Easter
- Going to Princeton for sermon planning and research February 26-March 3
- Goal of preaching 37 sermons a year
- Planning not preaching for six weeks mid-June through July
- The Congregation will see other ways of preaching from Pastor Ben and other area preachers
- It will put “gas” in his tank
New Members
Wes Ray introduced Greg and Debra Killian, Ron Karzel, and Greg and Allison Tardif as potential new members. Each recounted their faith journey and motivation to become a member of FPC. Session unanimously approved to accept them as new members.
Consent Action Items: M/S/A Unanimous
- Approve 8AM and 10AM Easter Sunday Services for April 20
- Review and acknowledge 2024 Annual Statistical Report
- Accept Emily Bauer’s resignation from her role with Student Ministry effective June 2025 to align timing with other new elder nominations
- Approve reinstating Bill and Maribeth Baker as FPC members
- Approve Jennifer Weber for the Nursery Assistant role
- Approve Simone Lewis as a substitute Nursery Assistant role
The committee processed land sale proceeds reimbursing the General Fund with land sale related attorney fees and appraisal cost. They also processed feedback from the Annual Congregational meeting. They are working on submitting the Terms of Call and Annual Statistical Report to the JKP and setting up investments in the Endowment Fund and transferring land sale proceeds between now and June 30th. They are looking ahead to the Kindermusik summer contract, a system cleanup and conversion to ACS Realm, ensuring FPC is submitting required reporting to IRS, OSHA, CMS, etc., and transitioning to a new Finance Elder this summer.
All prepaid pledges were received in January this year instead of December. He has received feedback on the audit and would like more of a document audit. The Endowment proceeds will be put in funds at several times and not all at once.
Per capita funds were discussed. We pay what the membership gives for per capita, and we always fall short of what JKP says we owe. We don’t want to take our 10% for mission and use it on per capita. We want our mission giving to connect with our members. There were comments that we should pay our amount due or put a line in stewardship about per capita. We usually receive about 40% of our amount due. We also should use our membership number as of January.
For 2025 and the future we continue to dedicate per capita line items and then meet our requirement from the general fund as needed with a stewardship follow up. We will have a stewardship campaign in Q2 to raise funds to finish the parking lot and pay down the loan. The parking lot loan balance is $175, 273.27.
The general fund balance is $98, 513.41. The endowment fund balance is $240, 269.29. Percentage of pledged to given is 137%. Income versus expense is +$18,561.77.
Worship and Music
The committee discussed details and needs for the upcoming Lenten services (9am chapel and Wednesday night), volunteer challenges and the need for more emergency prep and education. They are working on gathering volunteers for ushers, need two elders for serving communion, still need volunteers for the sound board and are gathering information to present a soundboard technician position to Session. A pause was put on the pre-recorded music sing along until after Lent and there will be a later discussion on what does a Family/Child Friendly Worship Service look like at FPC.
Children’s Ministry
The last committee meeting involved the introduction of the Children and Family Ministry Director Search Committee and working on the next steps. They discussed the impact of the proposed service times on the nursery, upcoming FPC @ FPC, VBS assistant, initial planning and fee structure. Family Bingo Night was a great success. They are working on the Lenten Dinner for April 2 and always looking ahead to VBS.
Building and Grounds
The mold issue in the storage room has been finished. Preparing for the new elder in the summer. Spring clean-up will be in May. Looking into fixing a window issue off of Fellowship Hall, working with PKK Lighting on an upgrade proposal for the outside lights, and working on a plan to finish the parking lot.
The nursery assistant roles have been filled. Jennifer Weber started February 16 and Simone Lewis will be a sub until she moves out of state this fall. The search committee is in full swing looking for a Children and Family Ministry Director. Sam Robinson’s twenty-year service anniversary is February 20. He was recognized at the February 16 service. The Personnel Committee will review the full PTO policy in an effort to clarify and simplify. It is very complex and time-consuming to administer as currently written and tracked.
Barb met with Alan Roberts and Mark Mathwig, Trustees of FPC’s Endowment, on the resumption of Planned Giving Seminars. The committee is working on updating prior materials, reaching out to financial planners interested in presenting and scheduling spring and fall seminars which would include a time of Fellowship and Food. There are 132 pledges totaling $583,416.00 with an average of $4,419.82.
Student Ministry
Emily gave special thanks to Kathy and Ed Schlappi and Bob and Lynda Bennin for helping at the Pres. House dinner, because the students were double-booked that night with a meeting for the Guatemala mission trip. The winter retreat in Lake Geneva was a great experience for the 19 students and 2 leaders. They had a great time and left with an excitement about finding ways to share Jesus with friends. Confirmation is off to a good start. The mentors are Angela Himegarner, Chez Phelps, Liz Weller, and Tim Lerdahl. The retreat will be February 22-23 and the trip to Mt. Zion is March 9. Currently 29 (23 students and 6 adults) have signed up for the Guatemala mission trip. There is room for 5 more students. Thank you to the adults on this trip, Brice Wallace, Brent Killian, Cherith Brown, John Strangfeld, and Melissa Schall. They will be building homes for two families. Wednesday night Youth Group is working through a series on the top 5 Bible verses of 2024 per YouVersion/AKA the Bible App. Sunday school will be exploring the New Testament for the rest of the year with the Bible Project’s New Testament series. Emily will be retiring as elder in June after 3 ½ years. She is on the nominating committee so she will help fill the elder role.
Adult Nurture and Spiritual Growth
The committee reviewed the 2025 winter/spring program calendar for all FPC adult small groups. The majority will meet through middle-late May and take a break over the summer. The women’s Light Team will meet through June and do an 8-week study of the “Chosen” video series. “Theology on Tap” will be re-evaluated to a summer versus year-round outdoor adult program. There was discussion on how the Lenten schedule will impact Adult Sunday School and Wednesday evening small group. During Lent there will be a combined Adult Sunday School study around the 5-week Max Lucado video series “He Chose the Nails” beginning March 16. They are evaluating the opportunity/need to offer a follow-up Centering Prayer Workshop during the fall. The current group will meet through May. An 8-week Tuesday morning Bible Study on Mark will resume February 25 at M-N-M’s Coffeehouse in Waunakee. Pastor Will will lead the study and go through Easter week, April 15. The ministry team is beginning to discuss several church-wide events they would like for this fall including a women’s speaker breakfast and offsite men’s event.
Nominating Committee Update
The Nominating Committee, being led by Jim Fitzgerald, has met two times. They are making progress on deciding on nominees and have a goal of being done the end of March.
“Love in Action Day” February 16 had 35-45 volunteers. The goal had been 30. 500 lunches were prepared for The River. Bingo was played at The Beacon. The entire lower level of Shelter from the Storm was cleaned.
All the Wednesday night Lenten suppers have a sponsor. Sponsors include the Light Team, Deacons, Stephen Ministry, Children’s Ministry and Youth Group, and the Men’s Group. Meals will begin about 6:30 after the Lenten service and end between 7 and 7:30.
New Member Outreach
April 27 is the next quarterly “All about FPC” meeting. There are two more couples potentially interested in joining.
Care letters were signed, and prayers were said for the receivers. Pastor Will closed the meeting with prayer.
Thank you note from Barb Munoz

Dear Pastor Will & Pastor Ben,
I want you to know what an amazing job the three men did in moving my belongings from home to the apartment! Kyle Halweg, Wes Ray and Todd Acker worked liked well-oiled machinery and I don’t know if they were in the capacity of deacons, Hammers for Halos or 3 guys just doing a fantastic job, “above and beyond.”
Barb Munoz
This Week’s Birthdays: March 9-15

This Week’s Anniversaries: March 9-15

FPC Nursery for Ages 3 and under

Nursery Age 3 and Under – Room 200
The Nursery is available on Sundays from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, is staffed by church staff and volunteers who love children and want to share God’s love with them.

Music in Worship
March 9: 9AM – Brooksy Beilke-Skoug
March 9: 10AM – FPC Choir, Ying Wang & Mary Kay Burton
March 12: 6PM – Midweek Manna – Ying Wang
March 16: 9AM – Beth Wagner, guest pianist
March 16: 10AM – Ying Wang
March 19: 6PM – Midweek Manna – Ying Wang
March 23: 9AM – Beth Wagner, guest pianist
March 23: 10AM – FPC Choir & Ying Wang
March 26: 6PM – Midweek Manna – Ying Wang
Praise Song of the Week
This weeks praise song, Lead Me to the Cross, featuring Brooke Ligertwood and by Hillson United captures themes of surrender, redemption, and Jesus’ profound love. Drawing from Philippians 3:8, it reminds us to prioritize God over worldly distractions and embrace the transformative power of His grace. In an age of constant overstimulation, its message is especially relevant, encouraging us to lay down our desires and find forgiveness and salvation at the cross. Let this reminder of God’s boundless love inspire you to deepen your faith and draw closer to the heart of our Savior, offering comfort and strength throughout the coming week.

Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.

Tryg Knutson

Jill Umlauf
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Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to
The Connector is available in print at the Connection Corner in the Lobby for those who would like a printed copy.
Contact the FPC Church office if you would like to be added to our home bound mailing list and receive the printed version of the Connector each week.
The Connector comes out at 4 PM every Friday. The deadline for submissions is noon, the Wednesday prior.