Special Congregational Meeting
THIS Sunday, March 7 | 11:30am

FPC will have a virtual Special Congregational Meeting via zoom on Sunday, March 7 at 11:30am. The purpose of the meeting is for permission to change the calendar references in the FPC Bylaws. Session voted to improve the workflow from November through January. These are very busy months in the church and church office. Session feels these months will flow more smoothly if Elder positions begin in July instead of January.
Download the proposed updates to the bylaws here.
Join the zoom meeting on Sunday at 11:30am
Meeting ID: 893 8326 8307
Password: fpc

Happy 15th Anniversary Pastor Ben!
On March 6, 2006 Pastor Ben Ehrets joined the staff at FPC and we couldn’t be happier that he’s here! Thanks, Ben, for all you do. If you’d like to wish him a happy FPC-iversary, send him an email and share your favorite Pastor Ben memory.

Three Ways to Worship
Pick the way that works for you!
Indoor Worship: All attendees should SAY YES TO…
- Signing up in advance to attend worship
- Wearing a face mask as you enter and throughout your time at FPC (If you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, we invite you to enjoy our online service from home.)
- Picking up your name tag at the check-in table in the narthex
- Worshipping together in our Sanctuary
- Choosing your own “Place in the Pews” while maintaining a minimum of 6 ft social distancing from people outside of your household. Pews will be marked off to guide you.
- Using hand sanitizer in the pews
- Refraining from singing
- Following an usher to exit worship as we empty the sanctuary from the back to the front
- Chatting with fellow worshippers outside before and after the service
Attendance has been increased to 60 people in the sanctuary PLUS an additional 20 people in the narthex/lobby where you can watch the live service via video stream. Sign up by using the electronic sign-up. If you do not have access to a computer, please call the Church Office at (608) 949-9445 during regular business hours.
Parking Lot Worship: Listen LIVE to the indoor service on your car radio
Sit in your car, tune your car radio to 93.5FM and enjoy the audio version of the service beginning at 10:00AM. This is a great opportunity for “FPCers” who may not feel comfortable worshipping inside the Sanctuary but would like to “attend” on Sunday morning. Feel free to drive up to the portico entrance, ask a greeter for a bulletin, find a parking spot, and listen to the service.
Online Worship: Watch from the comfort of your home
Our meaningful and joyous virtual service continues as you may watch from the comfort of your own home anytime on Sunday from myfpc.org.

Graceland Student Newsletter
Catch up on all the student ministries offerings in this week’s newsletter:
- Sign up to attend Wednesday in-person High School and Middle School youth group
- Get some insight into grace
- A fresh music recommendation
- Apparently God is at Applebees…
- But Ezrah wants to come to visit you!
More upcoming events:

Hey FPC Family, are you looking for in-person opportunities?
Would you be interested in an in-person art night or craft-ernoon? What about an in-person small group Bible Study? Or maybe meeting up for fun outdoor activities?
Email Christa or Ezrah Schmeelk with your interest!
cschmeelk@myfpc.org eschmeelk@myfpc.org
Next Blood Drive
Friday, March 19 | 12-5pm
We are hosting the WEB Community Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall.
FPC Fire Pit Night TONIGHT
March 5 | 6-7pm

There is still time to attend this event–come dressed in warm clothes and a mask. We will hang out and then end with a prayer. The Schmeelk family will be there so you know it’s going to be a good time!
Craft-ernoon and Games with Children’s Ministry
March 14 | 1-1:45pm

Children between 4k and 6th grade are invited to join us for some in-person fun! Drop-off and pick-up will be in the back parking lot circle by the education doors. Masks and social distancing will be in effect so please come in a mask.
Email Patricia to sign up!
Family S’mores Night at the Fire Pit
March 28 | 6-7pm

On Sunday, March 28 at 6pm FPC families are invited to enjoy some socially distanced s’mores- BYOS (Bring your own stick – for roasting!) Come dressed in warm clothes and a mask and leave with an encouraging mystery item to help you make it through the last 2 months of the school year! Email Christa Schmeelk so we know how many folks to plan for.
Our Daily Bread is Available

The new issues of Our Daily Bread have been delivered. They are in a plastic tote at the front of the church under the portico on the right side as you face the church. The large print version is now also available!. Stop to pick up one for your house anytime!
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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