Father’s Day Sunday

Planning to Reopen the Church:
A summary of the June, 2020 Session Meeting
The summary of the June, 2020 Session Meeting
Submitted by: Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
The Session of FPC had a lengthy discussion on whether or not to begin reopening the church building and programs. A decision was made to form a seven-member Site Reopening Action Team to figure out the details involved in reopening. FPC will have one on site worship experience in July and two in August, dates and location not yet determined. All other Sunday services will be the same virtual service that we have had since March.
You can read the letter to the congregation from Pastor Kirk, Pastor Ben and the Clerk of Session that includes details of reopening the church in the link below. Session will keep revisiting this situation as needed.
Are your old dolls looking for a new home?

Joyce Millet, who is involved with collecting dolls and refurbishing them for migrant children in New York, is putting a call out for dolls to be dropped off at her home in Waunakee since FPC is closed during the pandemic. This is the time of year she prepares donated dolls by scrubbing and shampooing the dolls and hanging them out to dry in the summer sun.
If you have any dolls that you would like to donate for this purpose, please drop them on the front porch of Joyce’s home at 438 Grandview Drive in Waunakee. Thank you!
New Baby Announcement

Congratulations to Bruce & Diane Schewe, of the birth of another grandchild. Brooks Scott Kurth was born on June 16 in Kalispell, MT. The proud, first-time parents are Krista and Brandon Kurth.
Can’t you just smell that fresh baby skin? What a cutie!
Upcoming Events for your Calendar
Guest Speaker | Sunday, June 28
FPC member and former big-city police officer, Joel Lewis, will share with our church his perspective on what’s happening in our society right now. He will bring the message on Sunday, June 28th and speak on How You Can Help Bridge the Gap.
The goal will be to provide some education for us all as we seek to be agents of Christ’s love in our world. Join us in praying that God will bless this message and feel free to invite others to watch the worship service next weekend.
Blood Drive | Friday, July 31

Catch up on the Children’s Moment!
Children’s moment 6-14-20 from First Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.
Did you miss last week’s Children’s Moment in the service? Or maybe you’d like to watch it again? We will now be making each week’s Children’s moment available in it’s own separate video in the Connector. Enjoy!
Porchlight Ministry Update
porchlight from First Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.
This video update of FPC’s involvement with Porchlight was presented last week during the Moment of Ministry. It’s worth another view or, feel free to share a link of this video with friends.
Video Devotional: “A Father’s Day Devotion – Abba, Father”
Bethel Series Executive Director and FPC member, Rev. Jeff Quinto’s Father’s Day Devotion, “Abba, Father” is based on Mark 14:32-36.
Vacation Bible School Update

In an effort to keep our beloved kids and volunteers safe from the still prevalent risk of Coronavirus we have made the tough decision to cancel in-person Vacation Bible School this year at FPC.
We will, however, offer a free three-day online Staycation Bible School in August for kids and families to do at home! We are excited to share with you on August 2, BOLT Towards Faith In Jesus! This online program is packed with Bible story videos, crafts, and even off-line games for your whole family to play!
The original VBS plan for the Rocky Railway will be taking riders next year. So, go ahead and mark your calendars for June 20-24, 5-8pm, 2021!
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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