Passing Out 6th Grade Bibles
Here’s a quick video of FPC 6th graders receiving their Bibles from FPC. These guys are going to be great additions to Graceland!

Reopening the Church
Weekly Update from Your Site Reopening Action Team
Your Session met this past Monday. Given the current spike of the virus occurring locally and nationally, nothing has changed regarding the status of the reopening of FPC’s building and grounds. Namely, until such time as Dane County Public Health allows outdoor mass gatherings of at least 100 people, no worship services are being held onsite at FPC.
Our team is continuing its work in preparing a full plan of reopening. Please continue to watch your Connector for updates. In the meantime, continue to watch for the amazing virtual worship services each week until the time comes when we can safely join in worship onsite at FPC!
Site Reopening Action Team
RJ Binau, Elder of Buildings & Grounds
Steve Cable, Chair
Nancy Groeneveld, Director of Music & Worship Arts
Kirk Morledge, Senior Pastor
Liz Weller, Elder of Worship & Music
The River Food Pantry UPDATE
As a follow-up to the River Food Pantry highlight in last week’s service, here is some additional information: River Food Pantry has adapted their services to meet the growing nutritional needs of food-insecure households in Dane County for the duration of the pandemic. Hot meal and clothing programs have been put on hold. But we’ve increased our hours of distribution while meeting an increased demand for emergency food and supplies by providing:
- Boxes of groceries, including perishable and non-perishable foods, for thousands of local households to pick up curbside at The River once a week.
- Pre-bagged lunches for children delivered six days a week through MUNCH, The River’s mobile lunch program, to nine low-income Northside neighborhoods.
- Ready-to-eat meals for families to take home through our newest program, called FAM (Family At-Home Meals).
From March 16–July 18 The River has served:

The River was busy serving curbside groceries to lots of families, but were short on volunteers. To keep up with the line of cars, the whole team had to jump in and help fill boxes of dairy, meat, fresh produce and more. Are you interested in volunteering? Click for more information:
Book Club
Book club Invitation from First Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.
Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry is excited to announce that 27 people have now signed up for this book group.
- Group 1: Read the first half of the book and meet in September to discuss. Then, read the second half and meet in October to discuss.
- Group 2: Read book in entirety. Meet multiple times the fall to watch additional videos by the author and discuss topics from the book.
Groups will be scheduled in August. State and county requirements will determine if there will be any in-person option. Want more information or have additional questions? Email Christa below:
Catch up on the Children’s Moment
Did you miss last week’s Children’s Moment in the service? Or maybe you’d like to watch it again? We will now be making each week’s Children’s moment available in it’s own separate video in the Connector. Enjoy!
For Your Calendar:

Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extrememly important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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