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Our speaker this Sunday is Rev. Jeff Fox-Kline. He was born in Illinois, raised in Michigan, and has a generally midwestern outlook. Ordained in 2013, his ministry has been located in Madison since 2016, serving churches in Pennsylvania and Chicago before that. His hobbies include baking bread, biking (he isn’t serious enough to call it cycling), and spending time with his wife and daughter.
He finds joy in ministry by meeting people, learning from them, and attempting to understand some of the complexities that come in relationships. We welcome him to FPC today as he shares his thoughts on God’s Word with us. To see more of Pastor Jeff’s thoughts, visit his blog at: jfoxkline.blogspot.com
Note from Erik Cushman: Worship & Music Elder
Seeking volunteer coordinators
As I reflected upon the last six months, several things really struck me: If you speak with church leaders, one of the biggest struggles is getting people to become engaged, or re-engaged, within their church. After being closed for an extended period of time; having to battle multiple waves of Covid—all while still competing with sports, work, cabins, and other interests—churches continue to face declining membership and a general lack of interest in attending or supporting their church.
My second observation was that many of the Deacons and Elders, including myself, are new to their “calling” and many of us do not know enough FPC attendees to “spread out” the essential tasks a church must accomplish. We end up tapping into the same, wonderful pool of volunteers but that is not sustainable or wise. People get burned out or feel like church has become a chore or a job—versus a house of worship and healing.
My thoughts led me to the following conclusion: While we recognize the challenges facing our church, our surrounding communities NEED First Presbyterian Church and its message of hope, redemption and a loving Savior. Life has been very challenging for quite some time. All of us have read or heard the litany of negative news that comes out each day: horrific acts of violence towards school children; high suicide rates among active and retired military members, as well as younger students; the rise in alcoholism and the unabated use of prescription drugs. If there was any a time our community needed the Church and Christ’s message to us, it is now! Statistics show that when people have a sense of belonging, and are engaged, they feel better about themselves and others. Relationships flourish and communities, and churches, grow in a healthy manner.
With that said, Session is seeking a person (or two good friends) that feels “called” to serve as a Part-Time Volunteer Coordinator. Ideally, with our church’s finances and budget always in mind, we would find someone (or two friends) that would offer their time and talents without seeking compensation.
What does this part time position require? A minimum one-year commitment and a love for sharing Christ’s message. A gregarious personality is a plus, but not required. You can work from home, or we can set up some office space.
What does the job entail? Working 2-4 hours a week creating and updating an accurate list of members (past and present) and the best way to reach out to them. Working with the various Elders and Deacons to find out what upcoming tasks require volunteers. Reaching out to people to help garner interest in volunteer opportunities and having a calendar showing the various activities and who is assisting.
How does one measure success in this role? Having fun! Feeling Christ’s presence within your life. And within several months: looking at a large, diverse body of volunteers that are excited to be part of a church that is engaging it’s past and present members, building healthy relationships among families and individuals, and impacting the surrounding community.
If you are interested in learning more about this part-time position, please reach out to me. I certainly understand how our church would benefit from a focused approach to getting people engaged or re-engaged.
Erik Cushman
Worship and Music Elder
Cell: 608-212-7289
Email: ecushman@ewaytransit.com
Note from Peace Lutheran Church
Dear First Presbyterian Church Leaders and Members,
Congratulations on such a long celebrated partnership with Rev. Kirk Morledge. Over the last thirty-two years, First Presbyterian has accomplished extraordinary milestones in deeply rooted ministry as this Waunakee community has grown and flourished. What an exciting story you share!
In thirty-two years, Rev. Kirk has made a difference in so many people’s lives. As colleagues in ministry we are grateful for the projects we have worked on together for the ways the ministries of Pastor Kirk and First Presbyterian have shaped a whole segment of the Waunakee Christian community and we celebrate all you have done together by God’s grace.
As you celebrate the culmination of your time together, may the stories of all that you have accomplished in ministry continue to bring joy and sustenance to your shared history. May you take a deep breath to really celebrate how God has been at work in your midst over this amazing three decades. May you trust what you have experienced together to seed the future with God’s amazing grace.
Our prayer for our celebration…
Gracious God, As the people of First Presbyterian gather to celebrate, fill them with a sense of joy in all that they have done with your love. Provide them a deep perspective on how your grace is a continual thread woven throughout their thirty years of shared ministry with Pastor Kirk. Help them cherish this history they share with you. Whatever hurts they might harbor from those times, as well, please release with a measure of compassion and forgiveness. As they go, forward, may the anxiety of change, be quieted with a calm sense of peace; may the future unfold with exuberant energy, a graceful confidence, and a deep spirit of hope. Hold them gently, but tightly enough, to feel the pulse of your promise coursing through their lives together. Amen.
May God continue to bless and guide you!
Together In Christ and on behalf of the whole Peace Lutheran Church Community,
Rev. Karen Locken
Lead Pastor
Rev. Doug Locken
Congregational Life Pastor
Rev. Anne Wickland
Children, Youth & Family Pastor
Love offerings for Donna!
After 16 years of service as FPC’s Receptionist and Office Coordinator, Donna Kopan’s last official day with FPC was Wednesday, June 29th and we wish her well in her retirement. Please join us in giving thanks to Donna for all she has done for us collectively over the years and also to God for bringing Donna into our lives. Love offerings for Donna will be collected during the month of July 2022. You can donate to Donna’s love offering via check (noting “Donna” in the memo line) or online by clicking here and indicate that it is for Donna.
Thank you,
Doug Brown
Personnel Elder

It’s 10 o’clock: Do you know where your serving bowls are?
A number of serving bowls remained after Pastor Kirk’s farewell picnic potluck on June 28. Please check the table in the lobby for yours! Any remaining bowls on July 31 will be added to our kitchen supplies.
Video Devotional: Planting Trees Under Whose Shade We May Never Sit
This episode of Jeff Quinto’s “Scriptures for Life” talks about the exciting cooperation agreement between Flagstone Foundation and the Bethel Bible Series that has the potential to change the world. We are, indeed, “Planting Trees Under Whose Shade We May Never Sit.” Soli Deo Gloria!

Upcoming Special Music in Worship
- July 17 – Ellen Kennedy Traeger, pianist/vocalist
- July 24 – Roxanne & Alan Fauque, pianist/vocalist/saxophones
- July 31 – Lolly Lawrence, vocalist, Ying Wang, pianist

Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to communications@myfpc.org. Thanks!
The Light Team Fellowship
The Light Team will have coffee fellowship on July 25th at 10am at M-N-M’s Coffeehouse, 509 W Main St, Waunakee.
Instructor Training for Bethel Bible Series
The summer Bethel Bible Series training seminar will be July 13-16, 2022, for the Old Testament and July 18-21, 2022, for the New Testament. FPC will cover the cost for any congregation member that is interested in the instructor training. For more information contact Elder Scott Legwold.
Hand out bulletins on Sunday morning
If you or your family would like to hand out bulletins before the start of our Summer Worship Services, please use the link below to sign up.
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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