
When I became your Interim Pastor last September, I brought a few innate skills and gifts. Through my years of walking with Christ, I have acquired some tools as well. I will be among you for about another year+ so I feel the urge to share with you two experiences that have shaped me as a person and as a Christian.
The first is that I learned how to lead a small group in a healthy way. Not only has this experience helped to deepen my relationships with others, but I have grown as well. I have learned how to deeply listen, to be honest and transparent about my life, and to ask deeper questions about the messiness of my walk with Christ.
In a small group, we can support each other without the need to “fix” one another. God helps us find a way forward with and through one another. We all crave safe places where we can be vulnerable and accepted with all of our faults and wonders.
That is why I have asked my friend and colleague Cheryl Shult to come and teach us how to lead healthy small groups using the ChristCare© model. The training begins on Wednesday January 25th at 6:30- 8:30pm in the Gathering Place and runs for 6 weeks. If you are ever interested in leading small groups, please do not miss this opportunity. It will not come around again during my time here at FPC. I can not emphasize this enough. You will not regret it.
Secondly, throughout my adult life, I have been drawn to pray. I have prayed by myself and with others in groups; I have prayed out loud and in silence; I have prayed for others, for our country, for our men and women that find themselves in harm’s way, for the many people without a permanent place to call home. These are all worthy ways to pray. However, the one discipline of prayer that has stuck with me over the years is Centering Prayer. It is the way that I have grown deeper in my relationship with God. It is a method of praying that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. It allows us to move beyond conversation with the living Christ to communion with the living Christ.
An Introduction to Centering Prayer will take place on Saturday January 28th from 8:30am-12:30pm. Four follow-up sessions are suggested for the practice to become more firmly established. Find a brochure scattered around the Gathering Place for more details or talk with me. Again, this opportunity is not to be missed.
The last time an Introduction to Centering Prayer was offered was 4 years ago. Invite your friends. If you have any questions, please talk to me.
Pastor Glen

We exist as a congregation to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known:
- To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ so all may come to know and love Him;
- To nurture His people in joyful faith, fellowship, and commitment; and
- To demonstrate His way of love in service to the world.
We use the Connector to share news of the coming week and beyond, the activities that involve a wide range of ages and interests at FPC.
News and Announcements
Dr. John H. N. Morledge
FPC Offices will be closed on Thursday, January 26 at Noon in honor of Dr. Morledge, so that staff may attend his funeral.

John H. N. Morledge—Physician, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Great-Grandfather, Friend—departed this life for his heavenly home on Thursday, December 29, 2022, after suffering a stroke while on a family visit in Santa Barbara, CA. He was 94.
He was born on August 28, 1928, in South Africa, the son of John Walker Morledge—a missionary doctor, and his wife, Grace Norrick Morledge. He grew up, went to medical school, and became a physician. Then an Air Force Flight Surgeon in time of war. Then the father of six children with his then wife, Rosemary.
He was a pioneering cardiologist in the capital city of Wisconsin, Madison. He was a beloved physician who cared for his patients until he retired at age 87. He was a leader in his church. He was an example of service to Christ and of Christian living. He let the Light shine through his deeds and example. Many who met him would say that they had seen and felt his inner glow.
He taught for years at the UW Medical School. He interviewed applicants who wanted to become doctors, amazing them when he asked more about their views on life and travel and literature than about chemistry or biology. He spoke all over the world about his area of acclaimed expertise. He trained hundreds of doctors, nurses, medical personnel, and was a lifelong mentor to many. One nurse whom he trained 50 years ago says: “He was so inspiring. He set an example that guided us all. (And we were all in love with him.).”
His patients who had become snow-birds and flocked to Florida would fly back from that warmer climate just so they could keep seeing him at his Madison office. He was the old fashioned kind of Doctor who gave them all the time they needed. He convinced each one he was present entirely for them. And each patient believed it because it was true.
Even at his advanced age John remained sharp, taking care of his own house where his hospitality and love of entertaining became legendary. At 94, he still drove, still went to the grocery, still shoveled snow, still took care of his yard, still nurtured his beautiful roses. He continued to wring every precious drop out of every precious day to the very last.
He cheered on the UW Badgers for more than six decades. He kept alive his interests: in sports, in life, in books, in travel, in music, and in his children and grandchildren, of whom he was enormously proud. He loved an occasional shot of whiskey (“Famous Grouse”), Italian restaurants and Wisconsin Supper Clubs, the family farm in Richland Center, friendly breakfast diners, and McDonald’s coffee. He was a man who preferred the “blue highways.”
John was charming, gentle, and joyous. He was known for his intelligence and curiosity. He loved a good story and told plenty of his own. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him. “Good night, sweet prince. And may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”
John is predeceased by his parents: Grace and John Walker Morledge; brothers: Alan and Joseph Morledge; and son: Paul Morledge.
He is survived by his children: Kirk Morledge (Faith Zabit) of Madison; Scott Morledge (Kris Comstock) of Austin, TX; Ann Dodge (Jeff) of Middleton; Jim Morledge of San Diego, CA; Beth Webb (David) of Louisville, CO. Grandchildren: Steven Miller (Julie Jachim), Walker Morledge, Kelly Morledge, Bailey Wohleber (Charlie), John Morledge, Kendall Morledge, Andy Dodge (Brygida Jackowiak), Jimmy Dodge, Daniel Webb (Matalin Binder), Kirk Webb, Ryan Webb, and Kevin Webb. Niece and Nephews: Susan Watters (Ben) of Verona and their children, Benjamin Watters (Marin Parsons) and Judy Garcia (Andrew); Clarke Morledge (Lisa Patterson) of Williamsburg, Virginia; David Morledge (Alison Kotch) of Austin, TX, and their children, Lauren Burgess (Alec), Austin Morledge (Chelsea Cooper), and Chase Morledge. Stepdaughters and Stepson: Jennifer Henderson of Verona; Christine Hoppe (Patrick) of Kelowna, British Columbia (sons, Ben, Matthew, and Zach); Michael Henderson (Eryn Latterman) of Lakewood, Colorado (daughter Aubrey). And a wonderfully increasing number of great-grandchildren!
A memorial service will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church, Gorham Street, Madison (608-257-4845). A reception will follow immediately after the service at the church. Light refreshments will be served.
Donations in grateful memory of John—in thanksgiving for his life, his work, his witness -may be made to the Second Harvest Food bank of Southern Wisconsin, or to Christ Presbyterian Church, Madison.
FPC Post-Christmas/New Year Lunch

Happy New Year from your FPC staff and families!
Thank you from Worship and Music Elder Erik Cushman

Greetings to our amazing congregation! I just wanted to touch upon a couple of things as we begin the New Year.
The flowers, Christmas trees and greeneries along the windows, and present within the Narthex and Gathering Space, were donated by someone that desired to remain anonymous. We shall respect their wishes.
I personally wanted to thank Sam and Liz for their involvement in our Christmas services this past December. Their tireless effort and their singular focus on presenting amazing music was not missed by anyone in attendance. We are extremely fortunate to have two very talented people in our midst. I know they put in countless hours in preparation for the Christmas season. If you see either one at church in the coming weeks, please make sure to thank them for their decision to serve FPC and for bringing such wonderful music to our sanctuary. On a side note, we had over 500 people show up to worship between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (I would imagine a few people attended our Christmas Day Service for the sole purpose of receiving chocolate from Pastor Glen.) These elevated numbers tell us that the hymns that are sung, and the sermons that are preached, are needed by the surrounding community. Along with the birth of Christ, that is truly something to celebrate.
Erik Cushman
Worship and Music Elder
Are you familiar with FPC’s FOOF wall?

Are you familiar with FPC’s FOOF wall? It’s not just a funny name! Take a walk down to the children’s education wing, and there you will see photos of many of our church members, staff and volunteers. This is our FOOF wall – the Faces Of Our Family.
The FOOF wall is more than just a collection of photos. It helps our members recognize and get to know each other. It’s a useful tool for church leaders and staff. It’s a great connection mechanism within our congregation. And we need your help to make our FOOF wall current again!
Many of the photos on the FOOF wall were taken years ago while putting together our church directory. Most of us look very different today! Some of us have gotten married or had babies over the past few years. Some of us may be new to the church, and did not have an opportunity to submit a picture for our wall. So we would appreciate your assistance as we update the “faces of our family.”
Do you have a family photo that you used for your Christmas card this year? Or perhaps a picture taken over the holidays? Please take a moment to send the picture to us by clicking the button below. Thank you!
Thanks Brian!

FPC is very blessed to have such great volunteers! Brian Gade is the one that keeps the computers humming away here at church all year long (That is a massive oversimplification!). But at Christmas time he is our rockstar Lighting Engineer! Thanks for all you do for us, Brian!
Presbytery Per Capita Contribution: What Is It and How Does It Affect Me?
Every church member’s share of support for the Presbytery is called his or her Per Capita contribution. It is through this contribution that Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together to discern God’s leading for the church and in doing mission on a wider scale.
Each local Presbytery in turn sends allocated shares to the Synod (regional body) and General Assembly (national). This enables the far-reaching work of ministry, including PCUSA missions around the world, and here at home. All Presbytery budgets need your support to keep the mission of the greater church alive. First Presbyterian Waunakee was once a “mission supported church” supported by Presbytery Per Capita contributions. The fact is that our church might not be here today without our Presbytery’s support! John Knox Presbytery provided a great deal of support and guidance during our Interim Pastor search, and they will be very involved throughout the process to find and call our next Pastor.
How much is my Presbytery per capita contribution and where does it go?
The Presbytery per capita contribution for 2023 is $35.15 per member. Of that:
• $9.85 goes to the General Assembly – to cover the administrative costs and of Missions around the world,
• $5.50 goes to the Synod of Lakes and Prairies to cover administrative costs for education materials and workshops, and
• $19.80 goes to John Knox Presbytery to cover the administrative costs – some of which reach out to help struggling churches.
How do I contribute to the Presbytery per capita fund?
If you use offering envelopes, the first envelope in your envelope box is a blue envelope marked “Per Capita.” Please enclose your donation in that and drop it in the Offering box in the Narthex. You may also give online through our website (myfpc.org/donate), or mail a check to the church office (or place it in the Offering box) with a notation indicating it is for Per Capita.
It would be a blessing to many Presbyterians across the country and close to home, if each of us contributed our small share to the Presbytery per capita fund.
God’s blessings to you!
Brett Cable
Stewardship Elder
2023 Offering Envelopes
If you requested a box of 2023 offering envelopes, they are available to be picked up on a table in the Narthex near the Sanctuary entrance. If you would like a box of offering envelopes and don’t see one there for you, please fill out one of the forms on that table and place it in either the pledge or offering box, and I will prepare a box for you. You may also send an email to Sue Gade, Church Business Administrator, at sgade@myfpc.org to request a box.
FPC’s Wish List
Did you know that FPC has a Session-approved Wish List? It’s a list of things that the church needs that aren’t able to be funded through the church’s regular budget. If you are ever in a position where you would like to make a special donation of any amount, please peruse our Wish List by clicking here and consider helping to provide an item listed. Thank you!
Graceland Winter Retreat: February 3-5, 2023
All 7-12 grade students are invited to join us this weekend that is full of fun games, great music, relevant messages, thoughtful discussions, delicious food, and more!
Regular price is $125
Dolls Needed

Once again we were able to send more than 50 dolls to the children of migrant workers, who are cared for by Sister Jean at the House on the Hill daycare / Head Start program in Goshen, NY. In order to continue this mission we need more dolls that we can clean and dress in new clothes for next year. Please place any unwanted or outgrown dolls that would be appropriate for young children in the bins in the Education Wing of the church. (No Barbies please!) Thank you so much!
Upcoming Music in Worship
January 8 – Mary Kay Burton
January 15 – Natalie and Derek Handley
January 22 – Mary Kay Burton
Sunday, January 15 – Contemporary Music Guests: Natalie and Derek Handley

Natalie and Derek Handley have been leading worship together since they met 2006. Derek started his musical journey at age 5 with the cello. He went on to study music, ultimately getting his master’s in performance at Northwestern. He is currently a member of the Madison Symphony and Quad City Symphony Orchestra, among other groups. He also enjoys leading worship on guitar and voice and is currently the Communications Coordinator at Covenant Presbyterian in Madison. Natalie is the Music Director at Pres House (2015-present) and recently concluded a position as Contemporary Music Director at Christ Presbyterian Church in Madison (2014-2022). She started piano at age 8 and went on to study voice at Northern Michigan University. She is currently studying full-time in pursuit of an MDiv degree from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and is an inquirer in the ordination process of the PCUSA church. They are both lifelong Presbyterians who love sharing their musical gifts with the church. They are also raising two energetic boys, ages 3 & 6 and enjoying getting outside as much as possible!

Coming Events | Jan. 8 – 28, 2023
This Sunday, January 8 from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM – Epiphany Potluck and Fun
After Sunday’s service (11:30am or so) in the Fellowship Hall, we will have a potluck with 3 Kings activities and the famous “King Cake” – if the baby Jesus is in your piece, you will get a prize! Join us for Food and Fun! When you RSVP below, let us know what you would like to bring for the potluck. See you there!
Mondays, January 9-30 from 1-2:30 PM – The Light Team Meeting

The Light Team is comprised of women who want a chance to meet for fellowship and Bible study. We pray for each other and those in our church family and community. When possible, we extend ourselves in projects to help others. There is no homework and we include humor and laughter! We meet in the Gathering Place on Mondays at 1:00 – 2:30 PM. All are welcome to attend any or all of our sessions. From January 9 to 30th, the Light Team will finish the video of “How Happiness Happens” by Max Lucado.
Tuesday, January 10 at 6:45 PM – MOPS and MOMSnext

WE GO TOGETHER! We are a tribe of moms desiring to become the women God has designed us to be. We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:45-9 PM. Moms of kids 0-5 are welcome for MOPS or school-age kids for MOMSnext.
Sunday, January 22 and 29 at 11:30 AM – Connection Corner

Please join FPC after service on January 22 & 29 as we kick off our Connection Corner, a welcoming table in the lobby dedicated to information, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Come meet friends, old and new, as we engage in ways to live faith together. FPC’s new volunteer coordinator Leah Durst-Lee will be there to answer any questions you may have about how to get more involved in our FPC community.
Wednesdays, February 1 – March 8 from 6:30-8:30 PM – ChristCare Small Group Leadership Training
FPC Waunakee is a congregation that reaches in and reaches out. We care for one another, help one another grow in faith, and equip one another for meaningful ministry. Then we carry the love we have received out into our world to bring Jesus’ care to people who are lonely and searching. We are Living Faith Together!
Healthy small groups are an excellent tool for those tasks. On February 1, our church will begin a six-week training for small group leaders. To sign up for this wonderful and enriching experience use the link below or contact Pastor Glen (greichelderfer@myfpc.org). We want to support and nurture healthy small groups here at FPC.
Wednesday, January 25 from 6 PM – 7:30 PM – FPC Bingo Night

Wednesday, January 25 at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. All Ages! All are welcome! Come for pizza, prizes, and fun! Sign up below so we know how much pizza to get!
Saturday, January 28 from 8:30 AM–12:30 PM – Intro to Centering Prayer
Pastor Glen will host “Intro to Centering Prayer” in the Gathering Place. Follow-up meetings will be held from 6:30-8:00 PM on January 30, February 6, February 13 and February 21.
Sundays at 9 AM – Graceland Student Ministry
7th-12th Graders, join us each week for a time of connection, Bible discussion, and prayer.
Sundays at 9 AM – Sunday School for 4K-Adults
Sundays – During Service – Kingdom Kids
During the worship service kids can leave the worship service after the Children’s Moment and need to be picked up in room 202 after the service is over.
We offer Kingdom Kids for 3-year olds – kindergarten. Kingdom Kids offers a fun, unique time for children to explore their faith and form positive relationships with peers.
Wednesdays from 7:00-8:15 PM – Graceland Student Ministry
7th-12th Graders, join the fun upstairs in the Youth Room for a time of connection, games, message, meaningful small group discussion with students your same grade, and prayer.
Wednesdays, January 18 – May 24 from 8:30-10:00 AM – Women’s Community Bible Study
The Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Group is made up of women from the surrounding community at large. All are welcome. This season we are exploring “How Much More” by Lisa Harper. Meet us on Wednesdays 8:30 -10:00 AM in the Conference Room, entering through the west side Education Wing doors. Contact Beth Stellmacher for more info: bstell122515@tds.net. We will be off Wednesdays, February 22 and March 22.
Save the Date | More Info to come
Sunday, January 29 – 9 AM – Church Breakfast

Greetings Congregation Members of FPC, we are honored to host a Sunday morning breakfast with guest speaker on Sunday, January 29th at 9 am. The breakfast food offering will be similar to that offered at our last breakfast with a guest speaker last May. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Edward Wall, a law enforcement officer with a career of over three decades in law enforcement including as leader of the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation, he also served as Administrator of Wisconsin Emergency Management and as the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Mr. Wall is now an executive with United Way.
Sunday, January 29 – 11 AM – Annual Congregational Meeting
Friday, February 3 – 12:30-5:30 PM – Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, February 19 – Network 56 Bingo at Oakwood Village Retirement and Nursing Home
Friday, March 17 – 11 AM-6 PM – Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, March 19 – 2 PM – Organ Recital
Please mark your calendars! FPC will host an organ recital on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at 2 PM featuring highly regarded organist Dr. Andrew Schaeffer, Director of Music at the Luther Memorial Church in Madison. The recital will be dedicated to the life and service of Pat Ronspiez. Pat served as our organist for 46 years. She also played piano and accordion.
Our church features an historic 1890 Schuelke organ built in Milwaukee and rebuilt by Wahl Organ Builders of Appleton in 1992.
A Chicago native, Schaeffer holds degrees from St. Olaf College, Yale University and a doctoral degree from the University of Oklahoma. Andrew’s responsibilities include playing organ for Sunday services, directing the children, youth and adult choirs, various instrumental ensembles and overseeing the general music ministry of the congregation. He has been at Luther Memorial since 2018. Schaeffer is also editor-at-large of The Diapason, a nationally published organ and church music magazine.
Thursday, March 23 – Pres House Service Project
Opportunities to Serve
Sing a new song unto the Lord!
You’re invited to join a fellowship group that loves to sing! FPC Choir rehearsals start on Wednesday, January 11th from 7:00PM-8:30PM in the Sanctuary. We will use our “Eyes to see” singing a variety of music styles. Beautiful, reflective songs will be sung during Lent and then anthems of celebration and praise will be used to welcome our Risen Lord on Easter morning! Unsure of which voice part fits you? We can help and all returnees and newbies are welcome. Please contact Liz Weller, Choir Director at eaweller245@gmail.com with any FPC Choir questions. Hope to see you on January 11th.
Help with the FPC Coffee Hour
Every Sunday after service FPC hosts a coffee hour for socializing and fellowship. Please consider volunteering for a shift or two, to help setup and/or take down the coffee supplies. Thank you!
Shelter From The Storm Ministries Needs Volunteers
Shelter From The Storm Ministries (SFTSM), located in Sun Prairie, is currently in need of crews that can clean rooms and prepare them for their next residents. Shelter from the Storm Ministries currently has three rooms vacant and is in the process of interviewing new families to move in and welcome. A crew of four (4) people volunteering to clean one room usually takes 2-4 hours. SFTSM is extremely flexible on dates/times. For any questions or to sign up, please contact Pastor Kent Van Horn from Shelter From The Storm Ministries at kent.vanhorn@sftsm.org or call him at (608) 535-0067.
Thank you! Your FPC Mission Team
Calling Vocalists and Instrumentalists (Piano, too!)
If you’d like to sing or play an instrument at a Sunday service, please contact Sam Robinson at srobinson@myfpc.org or call 608-949-9450. We have open dates on our music calendar for January through May. You are welcome to sing/play a special song or two, no matter what your skill level is. We have open dates when the Choir and Joyful Noise are not playing and would like to fill those with students and adults from our congregation whenever possible.

Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.

Doneta Chorney

Tryg Knutson

Jill Umlauf
Want to receive an email notification when the weekly Connector is updated? Sign up here!
Connect with the Connector!
In an effort to streamline the process for submitting requests for event announcements in the Connector or spoken during the worship service, Communications has developed this easy-to-use online form to share all of your important information.
Click the link below to check out the form and if you have any feedback or questions, please send an email to communications@myfpc.org.
The Connector is available in print at the back table in the Lobby for those who would like a printed copy.
The Connector comes out at 4 PM every Friday. The deadline for submissions is noon, the Wednesday prior.