From the 2020 Annual Report: Student Ministries
The entire Annual Report is available here. But take a peek at this excerpt:
2020 began with fun winter retreats, our dedicated team of volunteers connecting and caring for students weekly on Wednesday nights, small
groups, Sunday mornings, and a fabulous group of students participating in the Confirmation journey. With all the unexpected twists and turns,
our team was able to connect meet the spiritual and relational needs of our students in new and exciting ways.
Some highlights from the year were our Confirmation class and each of their mentors being flexible by finishing our last number of weeks
together on Zoom. The Confirmands even shared their testimonies of faith in Christ through a new online service, allowing an expanded audience to
hear the good news of Jesus.

With the help of many from our ministry team, we gave our best shot at Wednesday night youth group via Zoom but found that both students and adults were already a bit exhausted from so much time online. For our
high school graduation celebration, Ezrah and many of the Student Ministry volunteers drove in a car parade to bring yard signs, balloons, and a
graduation gift bag to make these students feel loved by FPC.

In the Fall, all the way up through December, our middle and high school students met on Wednesday nights to laugh, pray, and connect over a warm fire pit at both Ezrah’s house and FPC’s new Outdoor Family Space. We couldn’t have made it through without the flexibility, support, and participation of so many incredible students, parents, and ministry volunteers.

Meet me in the Parking Lot!
You’re invited to worship with us on February 7th at 10:00AM for our first ever “DCPLS”-that would be Daytime Communion Parking Lot Service! As you enter the parking lot at FPC (begin humming an inspirational tune) you will be greeted by our AWESOME masked and gloved volunteers who will give you a bulletin and individual pre-packaged Communion elements. Continue driving to the upper lot facing our Sunday School classrooms, park and tune-in your car radio to 93.5FM. Let your car and your heart be filled with God’s grace as Pastor Kirk and Nancy lead us in worship, including the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. At the conclusion of our service, please give your attention to those AWESOME volunteers as they safely guide you out of the church parking lot. (OK, you may stop humming) There is no need to register for this service, just throw your car into DRIVE and join us on February 7th!

Check out these upcoming events:
FPC Fire Pit
Friday, February 5, from 6-7pm | Behind FPC
Come dressed in warm clothes and a mask! We can connect and then end with a prayer. Email Christa Schmeelk so we know how many folks to plan for! cschmeelk@myfpc.org
Are you new to FPC?
If you began attending our services online during the pandemic, we haven’t met you! Please join us for one of these virtual connection times!
Saturday, February 13 | 10-10:30
Meeting ID: 864 4588 4103
Passcode: fpc
Sunday, February 14, 1-1:30
Meeting ID: 857 2861 5438
Passcode: fpc
Hey FPC Family, are you looking for in-person opportunities?
Would you be interested in an in-person art night or craft-ernoon? What about an in-person small group Bible Study? Or maybe meeting up for fun outdoor activities?
Email Christa or Ezrah Schmeelk with your interest!
cschmeelk@myfpc.org eschmeelk@myfpc.org
A note of Thanks from Donna Kopan
Thank you to all who made my 15th anniversary at FPC so special! I was overwhelmed by the love and celebration I received from so many of you, especially my fantastic co-workers who showed up at my house with gifts that included balloons, a delicious salad, the cutest little Bundt cakes and a robust round of “Happy Anniversary!” It brought me so much joy! Many of you blessed me with your kind words via cards, emails, and Facebook. I was so very touched by Pastor Kirk’s celebratory words about me during Joys & Concerns on the online worship service. Wow! It has been such a gift these past 15 years to be a part of the FPC Staff and do ministry with some amazing people. It has been a joy to serve the Church of Christ at FPC and meet so many of you through my service there.
BINGO! It was a success!

There was a great turnout for the virtual Bingo Bash! Over 50 FPC-ers, ranging in age from 17 months to grandparent, logged in for a good time! Don’t forget to pick up your prizes at church on Saturday January 30 from 10-11am. Just drive up to the front doors!

Pastor Letter & Update on In-Person Worship
Dear FPC friends,
It’s been quite a ride and the journey continues. As we all know, there is little agreement in our world today about COVID. In the society outside our church walls debates rage about statewide mask mandates. About what counts as an “essential activity.” About whether children should be back in school. About what’s safe to do and what’s not. In churches around the world the same debates are ongoing. FPC Waunakee is no exception. When and whether to bring people together for indoor worship has been a hot topic.
Read the full letter from Pastor Kirk and Pastor Ben here…
Session Update on In-Person Worship
Session held a special meeting Tuesday night to revisit the topic of in person worship. After prayer and a thoughtful discussion several decisions were made. We will have the parking lot service on Feb. 7 as planned. We will begin in-person worship Feb. 14. Worshippers will be asked to sign up ahead of time. When our maximum is reached, any remaining names will be put on a list for first in for the next week. The service will also be broadcast in the parking lot for anyone who cannot get in and wants to physically be at the church. The online service will continue indefinitely.
These decisions have not always been unanimous nor easy, but we are working together as your Session to do the best we can.
Dianne Larson, Clerk

Graceland Student Newsletter
Catch up on all the student ministries offerings in the now-weekly Graceland newsletter. Here’s what you can expect:
- Link to in-person High School and Middle School youth group sign-ups!
- Prefer digital? We got you covered.
- Your weekly music rec.
- Ezrah! Bring me a drink!
- The edgy wolf.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
Want to receive an email notification when the weekly Connector is updated? Sign up here!