Upcoming Annual Meeting
Sunday January 31 | 10:30 am
Our Annual January all-congregational meeting is scheduled for January 31 at 10:30 am. This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom. The meeting link and connection information is available below. Copies of the FPC’s Annual Report for 2020 will be available in advance for pickup at church as wells as posted on myfpc.org
January Annual Meeting – Zoom Link
January 31, 10:30 AM
Meeting ID: 833 2856 4388
Passcode: fpc
If you are not familiar with Zoom, Christa Schmeelk has developed a tutorial and will host a practice meeting on January 30. You can find the tutorial and the practice meeting link below:
Practice Session – Zoom Link
January 30, 10-10:15 AM
Meeting ID: 856 1431 0417
Passcode: fpc
If you have any questions about Zoom or participating in the practice meeting, feel free to email Christa. She’s happy to help!

Congratulations to Donna Kopan!
This week, we celebrated Donna Kopan. Donna is our multitalented, fabulous receptionist, who has been working at FPC for 15 years! January 23rd is her actual anniversary. Donna is the face and heart of FPC. She blesses us beyond measure with her warmth, love, kindness and
always has a listening ear for everyone. We love you, Donna! Happy Anniversary!

Pivot to the Parking Lot!
At the January meeting, Session changed the indoor worship opportunity to a worship service in the parking lot using the FM radio transmission system. If you attended the Christmas Eve event, you’ll be familiar with this new Sunday worship format. This mode of worship will continue indefinitely, with the possibility of moving to an outside service if the weather is warm enough. The online service will continue to be available as well.

Graceland Student Newsletter
Catch up on all the student ministries offerings in the now-weekly Graceland newsletter. Here is just some of the info:
- Join us for Virtual Bingo with NON-virtual prizes!
- Let’s make Sunday Sledding a thing.
- Wut? A comic-styled Bible?
- Need some physical connection? In-person youth group resumes Feb 3.
- Fresh tunes.
Shepherding the Flock
January Session Meeting Summary
Submitted by Dianne Larson, Clerk of Session
At the January meeting, Session voted to alter the indoor February 7 worship service to an onsite service in the parking lot using the radio transmission system. Onsite outdoor worship will continue indefinitely. If it is warm enough, the service will be on the lawn as it was last fall. Session will revisit the worship location question every month. Online worship will continue indefinitely.
Session also voted to have the annual congregational meeting on January 31 via Zoom. The meeting will start at 10:30 and congregants will be notified of the meeting link. Session was grateful for the pledge response and passed the 2021 budget which congregants may discuss at the January 31 meeting.
Virtual Watch Party Groups for
“The Chosen”

“The Chosen” is an incredibly well written 8 episode web-series that allows us to see Jesus in a new way – with humor and amazingly creative backstories for his disciples. Children and Teens welcome! (Best fit is likely upper elementary and older.)
Virtual Group 1
Every other Thursday evening from 7-8pm, beginning January 21
February 4, 18, March 4, 18, April 1, 15, 29
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 899 1154 5763
Passcode: fpc
Virtual Group 2
Every Sunday from 4-5pm, beginning January 24
January 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 843 5249 2264
Passcode: fpc
Interested in an in-person group? Just let Christa Schmeelk know.
New Virtual Women’s Bible Study
A four-session Bible study going over different Psalms and discovering how to be women who are desperate to know God. Every other Thursday from 7-8pm: January 28, February 11, 25, and March 11.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 3261 8838
Passcode: fpc
Bingo Bash!

We’re going, you guessed it–VIRTUAL–this year. But we’re going to blast the fun right through your screen! Plan to join us on Wednesday, January 27, 6:30-7:30pm.
Print your Bingo Cards ahead of time (and use as many as you want!) https://letsplaybingo.io/generator. If your printer isn’t working, just generate a card and draw it on a piece of paper! Make sure you have bingo “markers” (like cheerios, torn up scraps of paper, or game pieces – anything that fits!) The following Saturday, there will be Drive Through Prize Pick Up on January 30 from 10-11am at the FPC front entrance.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 7161 8988
Passcode: fpc
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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