40 Bags in 40 Days. Let’s declutter our lives for Lent!
40 Bags in 40 Days from First Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.
Ready to declutter? Coinciding with the 40 days of Lent, why not go through our homes (or garages or email inboxes!) and declutter one “bag” a day? Join this Facebook group that will challenge, encourage and support your effort to give up some STUFF.
It’s easy to get involved: sign up in the lobby this weekend after service, send an email to Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, or click on the link below to be added to the Facebook group. We will encourage each other and find accountability by posting pictures of our work. Living with less stuff and clutter leaves more room for Jesus in our hearts and minds. Together, we can fight the clutter!
We are Seeking a New Director of Children’s Ministry
If you or someone you know might be interested in the best job ever, please reach out to Doug Brown, Personnel Elder, who will be handling the recruitment process. Read the job posting here.
Lenten Dinners are Back!
Wednesday nights March 4–April 8 at 5:30
The Fellowship team is excited for Wednesday Night family dinners during Lent! Clearly our congregation has an “appetite” for these gatherings because they were a HUGE success last year as we prepared for the miracle of Easter. The meal begins at 5:30 and is followed by a 30 minute devotion ending at 6:45. Our first dinner, Hosted by Chidren’s Ministry is March 4.
ALL ABOARD! Bring all your friends to a FREE Rocky Railway VBS-themed Lenten dinner in Fellowship Hall hosted by Children’s Ministry!
Look forward to chew-chewing on a build your own pasta bar. Lotsa pasta with lotsa sauces: spaghetti, alfredo, and mac-n-cheese. (Yum!) Plus salad, chicken, garlic bread, and desserts! You won’t want to miss this train. RSVP info to come…
Join the Children’s Choir
Wednesdays at 6:15 | March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1
Palm Sunday, April 5 at the 8:45 Service
During Lenten dinner Adult devotional time, we are offering 2 children’s choirs—one for toddler through kindergarten and one for 1st through 6th grades. You don’t have to attend the Lenten dinners to participate. This five-week-choir opportunity, will culminate in a performance on Palm Sunday. It is important to email your interest in participating to Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly. We need little voices!
February Mission Focus – Update
As a church family, you have committed to several months of providing sandwiches for The Meal Train Outreach–at FPC, we call it BAGS. Thank you for your support of February’s Mission Focus!
Now, because of the cold weather, Madison shelters are past capacity to bring homeless in from the cold. Friends of State Street Families is trying to distribute cold weather gear to people that need it. They are in desperate need of winter supplies like gloves and blankets.
You can purchase directly from Amazon through at the Friends of State Street Families wishlist in the link below. Or connect with Sue Truitt of the Mission Team. She is available at the Mission counter between services or by email. You can learn more about Friends of State Street Families on their website: https://friendsofthestatestreetfamily.org/