Merry Christmas!
What could be more exciting for an elf than to work for and meet Santa Claus? These two elves find out that even Santa thinks Jesus is the most exciting part of Christmas, and encourages them to celebrate His birth.
May your Christmas be filled with the joy of Christ’s birth and the celebration of His love for us!
Important Updates from Session:
You’re Invited to our first In-Person Worship in 2021 Sunday, February 7, at 10:00 am. Celebrate in the sanctuary with us in a COVID conscious way! Stay tuned to upcoming Connectors for more details.
Session has also decided to open the church for business in accordance with the recommendations approved by Session in September, 2020:
- The office is open for business by appointment only. There is not a drop-by option at this time. Please call the office to check on the availability of staff and to make an appointment.
- Various rooms in the building can be secured for use by church-related groups, by reservation only. There is no drop-by and use-a-room option at this time. Please call the office to ask about room availability and to make a reservation.
- Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC ) COVID 19 protocols are to followed at all times while in the church facility.
Special Music for Christmas

Back in 2015, FPC’s very own Director of Music & Worship Arts Nancy Groeneveld recorded this Christmas tune along with her music team from her church at the time, a large Presbyterian church in northern California. The song, which was presented as a gift to that church family, became so popular that it was requested to be a part of every Christmas Eve service for 10 years in a row!
Enjoy this song as you celebrate Christmas this year.
Gesu Bambino/O Holy Night from Nancy Groeneveld on Vimeo.

Christmas Music from the Dotys
David Doty, son of Steve and Vicki Doty, is a talented music writer and arranger. Recently, the Dotys shared links to David’s website,, which is offering lots of Christmas music options for you to enjoy! There are even Christmas carol lyric videos so you can sing along! Be sure to listen to “What Child is This.” It features David’s wife, Gloria, and the debut of granddaughter Abigail when she cries three times at the beginning of the song. Hah! Under the Music tab on the website you’ll find Christmas piano solos that make great soundtrack while you check off your holiday to-do list.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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