Nativity Weekend
Coming up this weekend are FPC’s two annual Nativity celebrations. To accommodate pandemic restrictions this year, the Live Nativity is one night only! This Saturday, December 19 from 5-7pm.
Available online this Sunday, December 20 is the virtual Children’s Nativity. We have combined a reenactment of the Christmas story using the book What God Wants for Christmas, along with musical performances from FPC children.
‘Twas the week before Christmas,
But nobody knew!
No stockings, no ornaments,
No gifts, or good news.
All the world had lost hope
All the people felt fear…
Now listen, I’ll tell you,
Why Christmas came here!

The Gift of Peace

The final message in the Advent Series, The Best Gifts of Christmas, is The Gift of Peace. Jesus gives a kind of peace that is different than the world gives, “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Join us online after 6am on Sunday for the last Advent message.
THIS SUNDAY – Special Congregational Meeting
A Special Congregational Meeting has been called for Sunday, December 20, at 11:00 am in the upper parking lot at FPC. The purpose of the meeting is to give Session permission to call an online congregational meeting if needed. Attendees are asked to remain in their cars and tune to a radio station that will be announced on a sign board. Voting will be by flashing head lights.
Yes, this sounds paradoxical: an “in person/in cars” meeting to vote to authorize an online meeting? We are as surprised as you are, but it is a Presbytery requirement coming from “on high” as it were. We can do it.
Outdoor Christmas Eve Observance
December 24 | 5:00 – 5:30pm
FPC Parking Lot
The Fellowship team invites you to join us as we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!
We will gather in FPC’s upper parking lot at 5:00pm on Christmas Eve. This will be an OUTDOOR event, and worship inside our cars, drive in style! Tune into our FM broadcast to listen to FPC music and hear the story of the Nativity as told in the Gospel of Luke. This will be a way to come together with your church family to celebrate and praise God as the shepherds did on the very first Christmas.
It is no longer necessary to sign up for this event. We hope to see you there!

Video Devotional: The First Christmas
Enjoy this video devotional by Executive Director of The Bethel Series and FPC member Rev. Jeff Quinto, based on Luke 2:1-7.

Sharing Christmas Music
David Doty, son of Steve and Vicki Doty, is a talented music writer and arranger. Recently, the Dotys shared links to David’s website,, which is offering lots of Christmas music options for you to enjoy! There are even Christmas carol lyric videos so you can sing along! Be sure to listen to “What Child is This.” It features David’s wife, Gloria, and the debut of granddaughter Abigail when she cries three times at the beginning of the song. Hah! Under the Music tab on the website you’ll find Christmas piano solos that make great soundtrack while you check off your holiday to-do list.

Drive Thru Blessing and Prayer
Sundays throughout Advent from 10-10:30am.
Drive to FPC on Sunday mornings during Advent to receive a blessing and or to make a specific prayer request. You can stay in your car and Christa Schmeelk, FPC Director of Family Ministry, will be masked and will pray for you under the canopy by the front doors of the church.

Begin your week with Virtual Meditation of Hope
Sundays during Advent at 4pm and 7pm
On Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec 13, or Dec 20, spend 15 minutes in a personal time of meditation with Christa Schmeelk, Director of Family Ministry, using Breath prayer. Choose the time you want to participate, connect through the zoom link, find a comfortable seated position, and ready to breathe deeply and let scripture and prayer fill you up.
Sundays at 4pm:
Zoom Meeting ID: 869 5607 0450
Passcode: fpc
Sundays at 7pm:
Zoom Meeting ID: 847 2776 6251
Passcode: fpc
or use the links below:
Share the peace and promise of Christmas with Our Daily Bread!

**Large print issue now available!**
The Peace & Promise of Christmas, 10 Christmas Reflections from Our Daily Bread, have been delivered. They are in a plastic tote at the front of the church under the portico on the right side as you face the church. Stop by anytime to pick one up for yourself, your friend, or a neighbor, and discover how you can experience the peace and promise of Christmas!
Also available in the bin are the new December/January issues. Grab them both today.
Stephen Ministry
We know the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone—raising the level of fear, stress, and anxiety for people all over the world and underscoring the importance of caring ministry. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we equip and empower lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care. Our commitment to this ministry is extremely important during these uncertain times.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this ministry, contact the church office.
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