A nation plunged into crisis – how you can pray for Afghanistan
The heartbreaking news coming out of Afghanistan this week has been hard to hear–even comprehend. The takeover by Taliban forces after the US military withdrawal has plunged the country into a crisis. And the ripple effects of that crisis are being felt worldwide. While we are often left feeling overwhelmed with situations that are so far out of our control, we know that we can pray to the One who is always in control. Prayer and intercession is needed now more than ever.
Here are some resources on praying for Afganistan:
Josh Manley, a Pastor in the United Arab Emirates, wrote an article about prayer requests coming directly from pastors inside Afghanistan. Here are excerpts of the requests:
1. Physical Protection and Provision
- Pray that our sovereign God would physically protect our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Boldly go to the throne of the universe and plead with our God to restrain evil and confuse the plans of evildoers.
- Pray also for physical provision. One brother asked that we would pray “for financial issues because no one can take out money from the bank and ATM’s are empty.”
- A number have specifically asked that we would pray for visas to get out of the country.
2. Spiritual Provision
- Every church leader has asked that we would pray for the Lord to strengthen them in their faith—that they would “stay strong in the Lord, who is the Sovereign King,” as one put it.
- Ask God to protect and even increase the faith of our brothers and sisters in the Afghan church. They don’t know what today—much less tomorrow—will bring. But they can be certain that our God will supply every need of theirs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).
3. Gospel Advance
- One brother asked that we pray for “revival.” What faith! Here is a man whose life is in danger asking us, who enjoy so many privileges and freedoms, to pray that God would open the eyes of the spiritually blind and give life to dead hearts.
- While our Afghan brothers and sisters face terrible uncertainty, we should be like the believers in Acts 12 who themselves faced serious threats and persecution but, without ceasing, offered up earnest prayers to God.
“Our Hope Is Not in Politics, but in Jesus”
While these days are dark and tragic, remember that God sits on his throne in the heavens. He holds the rulers of this world in derision. He promises to make the nations his Son’s heritage, the ends of the earth his possession (Psalm 2:4, 8).
You can read the whole article at 9marks.org
An article at Discern With Us, provides some Prayer Points–suggestions of ways to pray in different areas. You are encouraged to let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray. If the Spirit leads you to pray for something else, follow His lead. Here is an excerpt on Prayers for Compassion:
The Lord is a God of compassion. He loves the world, and he loves the Afghan people.
- Pray for the nation of Afghanistan and for the Lord’s will to be done within that country.
- Pray for courage for the Afghan believers who remain in the country. Pray that the Lord would increase their faith in the face of persecution and give them wisdom about how to live.
- Pray for wisdom for believers looking to leave the country. Pray for the wisdom to know how and when to do that.
- Pray for the officials who are working to get people out of the country. With the deadline approaching, pray that hostilities will hold off so that as many people can be evacuated from the country as possible.
- Pray for God’s blessing upon the Afghani people who have been able to leave the country but who have left family behind and are now fearful for their survival. Pray for God’s protection for those family members and for God’s grace and peace for those who have left the country.
- Pray for the refugees who are now looking to rebuild their lives in a new country. Pray that the church would be ready to help provide support for these Afghan refugees.
- Pray for compassion for government officials who are involved in the resettlement programs.
At the Presbyterian Outlook, there is the Prayer for a Hurting World. You can read and pray along. Here’s the portion of the prayer about Afghanistan:
As we send our daughters back to school, free to raise their hands in class, free to study and to speak, we pray for the daughters of Afghanistan. We pray for women shrouding themselves in fear, for liberties recently gained to hold despite the new oppressive regime. We pray for the Afghani men—fathers, brothers, sons, uncles— desperately seeking refuge for their families. We pray for all the Afghani people whose lives are trapped in a war zone. We pray for American troops, morally torn over leaving this country and their service behind. Lord, have mercy. Turn us from violence as a justified means for achieving our ends. Guide humanity toward your path of peace.
August 16, 2021 Teri McDowell Ott
Video Devotional: To Be the Same When I Am Alone as When My Every Deed Is Known
Reverend Jeff Quinto, Director of The Bethel Series and FPC member, shares a devotion based on a line from a poem written by Edwin Guest, “To be the same when I am alone as when my every deed is known.” Jeff shares that this line has served as a personal mantra for nearly 50 years. And while he has not always adhered to the idea, God has been faithful at important moments, providing protection and guidance when he wavered.
Serving Opportunities at FPC:
Greeters Needed!
Are you interested in volunteering as a greeter? Email Wes Ray at wesray603@gmail.com or Rebekah Temple at rebekah.temple@gmail.com.
Volunteer for the Children’s Ministry
Are you someone who likes to work with kids, plan events like Trunk or Treat or the Easter Trail? Do you enjoy working in the background to make events successful or just want to have a great time praising God? Children’s Ministry is looking for you! We have several areas in need of volunteers! Follow the link below to find service areas that might interest you. If you have any questions please contact Patricia Coley, Director Of Children’s Ministry at pcoley@myfpc.org.
The Adult Nuture and Spiritual Growth committee is looking for new members
Elder Scott Legwold is encouraging anyone in the FPC congregation to consider joining the committee for Adult Nurture and Spiritual Growth. Exciting opportunities are in the works for this area of ministry. Get involved today! Interested individuals can email Scott directly at: scott.legwold@gmail.com.
Communications Volunteer:
Are you tech-savvy and interested in learning aspects of updating the FPC website and other entry-level tasks of communications at FPC? We are looking for someone high-school age or older for this internship-like position.
Camera Operators:
Our online service video team is looking to add camera operators to our Wednesday morning recording sessions. This volunteer position requires experience with different camera settings and lighting situations, and some production experience would be helpful.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, send an email to communications@myfpc.org to learn more.
NEXT SUNDAY September 5 | 9 am INDOOR Sanctuary Worship
September 12 – Our New Fall Schedule:
- 8:45 am Blended Service
- 10:45 am Contemporary Service
Memory Café
Thursday, September 2 | 9:30-11 am
Steeplechase Condominium Clubhouse
The Café provides a social gathering place and programs for those with mild cognitive impairment or early to mid-stage dementia, along with their family members or friends. More information on the café and support groups can be obtained by calling the Waunakee Senior Center at 608-849-8385.
Back to School Blessing
Sunday, September 12 | During Both Services
4K-6th Grade Sunday School
Sunday, September 12 | 9:45–10:40 am
Attention all 4K-6th Graders! Sunday School is back beginning Sunday, September 12, from 9:45–10:40 am. Come join us for Popcorn and Praise to celebrate the beginning of the new school year! We will have some activities, music, time to play on the playground, popcorn! So ‘pop’ on in to see what Sunday School is all about!
Sunday School Registration:
Please help us plan for this year’s Sunday School. Click the link below to register your child/children for this school year! This will also make sure you continue to receive FPC Children Ministry’s email communications.
Stephen Ministry at FPC: Providing God’s Care to Hurting People
What is this ministry about?
Extensively trained and supervised Stephen Minister Caregivers provide high-quality, one-on-one confidential Christian care to anyone in need. They provide weekly visits and ongoing support as long as the care receiver needs. Should the care receiver have needs that are beyond the scope of a Stephen Minister Caregiver, they are referred to professional caregivers.
What kind of care is offered from a Stephen Minister?
- CRISIS CARE – For people experiencing change(s) that significantly challenge their ability to cope.
- FOLLOW-UP CARE – After the crisis event.
- CHRONIC CARE – For a person whose situation is unlikely to change.
- PREVENTIVE CARE – Providing care before a crisis occurs.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE – Care for the caregiver.
How can I find out more about this ministry?
Call the church office at 608-949-9445, or reach out to a pastor or deacon. Stephen Minister Caregivers don’t replace the care of pastors and deacons. They carry it a step further.
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