Getting to know each other
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at FPC a great one!
Service Times
FPC meets every Sunday at 5763 County Road Q, Waunakee, WI.
- Children's Sunday School: Sundays at 9am (Sept.-June)
- Worship Service: Sundays at 10am
- Fellowship with Coffee: Sundays at 11am
What can I expect
FPC is a vibrant and active church, emphasizing uplifting worship, dedicated programs for children and students, inspiring music, and outreach to those in need. People from all faith backgrounds are welcome at FPC!
Are you ready to plan your visit?
FPC services are a music and learning experience that are wonderful expressions of joy, faith, praise, and thanksgiving to God. There is a message that relates Christianity to our current lives and offers teachings from the Bible. Offerings are collected, but guests are not required or expected to give.
FPC is generally casual in attire, but we encourage you to wear what makes you feel comfortable.
Absolutely! Sometimes it’s best to go somewhere new with someone you know, so bring a friend or family along if you’d like.
Usually about 60 minutes.
Yes! FPC is wheelchair accessible, has elevators to every level, and is dementia-friendly. We also have assistive listening devices available. If you would benefit from a tour in a quieter environment, please let us know and we may be able to schedule a visit for a day other than Sunday.
FPC is blessed to have amazing programs for children and youth. Children are always welcome to stay in service with family or come to any of our many programs for children and youth. During the school year, a variety of children’s programs are offered during service. We also have a Wiggly Room where parents can participate in the service with their children behind one-way glass.
Yes! On the first Sunday of each month, Communion is served during worship.
The service of communion is open to all who call Christ Lord, not limited by denomination or membership. Everyone is welcome to the Table of Christ in this church, whether they have ever had a “First Communion” or not. Access to the Table is a gift of grace to the undeserving who come in faith, repentance, and love. Baptized children who are being instructed by parents or teachers in the meaning of this meal are invited to participate. Those who doubt or whose trust is wavering may come to the Table in order to be assured of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ.
At FPC, we serve Communion by intinction: One takes a piece of bread and dips it in the cup. Ushers direct the rows to come forward to receive the bread and cup as the congregation shares Christ’s supper. Those who are unable to come forward who wish to be served while sitting in the pew may let an usher know. Those deciding not to partake may remain seated in meditation. Those with allergies or who prefer not to partake from the common plate or cup are invited to receive peanut, nut, gluten, and dairy-free elements from the center Elder at the front of the church.
We’d love to answer them for you, just email us or call us at 608-949-9445.