Announcements Events Serve Give A blessing to others During the Children’s message on October 2, I handed each 5th/6th grader a $20 bill with no strings attached. I asked them to consider how they might spend that money. I told them (I think… that time is rather a blur in my mind) that the expectation for Jewish people of Jesus’ time is that they would give “the first … [Read more...]
Weekly Connector: October 9 – 15, 2022
Announcements Events Serve Give The Examen One of the prayer disciplines that my wife and I practice most nights is that we pray together using The Examen. We first learned it from a book called Sleeping with Bread. We start by pondering our day. As my Jesuit friend Father Richard McCaslin said, “Anytime one reflects on life, prayer is … [Read more...]
Weekly Connector: October 2 – 8, 2022
Jump to this week's announcements! Blessed to be a blessing We are heading into Stewardship Season. On Sunday October 16th, as an act of worship, we are asking those present to place their pledge for the coming year in the offering plate on he Communion Table in the front of the church. Others will send their pledges in by mail or to Sue Gade by email. How are we blessed … [Read more...]
Weekly Connector: September 25 – October 1, 2022
Jump to this week's announcements! Time of Transition “On my heart and on my house the blessing of God.In my coming and in my going, the peace of God.In my life and my seeking, the love of God.At my end and new beginning, the love of Godto welcome me and to bring me home.”A Celtic Prayer I have been your Pastor now for just about a month. The Session, Pastor … [Read more...]
Weekly Connector: September 18-24, 2022
Jump to this week's announcements! What we say, so we do One reason that I am Presbyterian is the richness of our denomination responding throughout history with various affirmations of faith which we call Confessions. These affirmations are housed in PART 1 of our PCUSA Constitution entitled: The Book of Confessions. Fascinating and inspiring documents. The second part of our Constitution … [Read more...]