January All Congregational
Annual Meeting
Sunday January 31 | 10:30 am
Pick up you annual report on Friday in the green tub outside the church’s main entrance under the portico. Or, you can download an electronic version right here!
This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom. The meeting link and connection information is available below;
January Annual Meeting – Zoom Link
January 31, 10:30 AM
Meeting ID: 833 2856 4388
Passcode: fpc
If you are not familiar with Zoom, Christa Schmeelk has developed a tutorial and will host a practice meeting on January 30. You can find the tutorial and the practice meeting link below:
Practice Session – Zoom Link
January 30, 10-10:15 AM
Meeting ID: 856 1431 0417
Passcode: fpc
If you have any questions about Zoom or participating in the practice meeting, feel free to email Christa. She’s happy to help!